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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 4
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 4

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Yakupova, D.B.

Ключевые слова:


ichthyosaurs, Nannopterygius, Platypterygius, Kazakhstanosaurus, West Kazakhstan region, Albian tier, Upper Volga sublayer, Epivirgatites nikitini zone.

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For citation:

Yakupova, D.B., “New data on the biostratigraphy of mesozoic deposits in western Kazakhstan”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 4, 429–441 (2024) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m4332.0514-7468.2020_46_4/429-441.

New data on the biostratigraphy of mesozoic deposits in western Kazakhstan

The aim of our study was to carry out a detailed stratigraphic dissection of sections of the western territories of Kazakhstan using the remains of ichthyosaurs. Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous ichthyosaurs were studied. Their collecting was carried out in the period of 2016–2023 from sections in the western Kazakhstan (the villages of Pogodayevo and Shchuchkino in the West Kazakhstan region, the village of Tushybek, Mangystau region (Central Mangyshlak Peninsula)) and the Middle Volga region (the village of Gorodishchi, Ulyanovsk region).

The article characterizes the reference sections of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan with a description of the found remains of ichthyosaurs of the genera Kazakhstanosaurus, Nannopterygius, and Platypterygius. It has been established that fragments of their skeletons are found in the Upper Jurassic sediments of the sections near the villages of Pogodayevo and Shchuchkino in the West Kazakhstan territory, and in the village of Gorodishchi in the Ulyanovsk region, as well as in the sediments of the Lower Cretaceous of the Mangystau region. The species diversity of the genus Nannopterygius is noted.

Our study of the Upper Jurassic sections nearv. Pogodayevo, Shchuchkino and Gorodishchi, and the Lower Cretaceous section of nearv. Tushybek showed that the comparison of the identified Ichthyosaur genera with the Mesozoic scale complexes allowed accurate determination of the age of local stratons and the position of their boundaries.

Список литературы

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  • Yakupova, D.B., Akhmedenov, K.M., “A new species of Kazakhstanosaurus efimovi Yakupova et Akhmedenov sp. nov. (Ichthyosaurs, Undorosauridae) from the Upper Jurassic deposits of the Middle Volga region of Russia”, Uchen. zap. Kazan. un-ta. Ser. Natures. science 161, book 2, 251–263 (2021) (in Russian).
  • Yakupova, D.B., “On the remains of an ichthyosaur of the genus Nannopterygius from the Late Jurassic of the West Kazakhstan region”, Bull. of KazNU named after al-Farabi. The ecol. series 3 (68), 94–101 (2021) (in Russian).
  • Yakupova, D.B., Akhmedenov, K.M., “Finds of Nannopterygius on the territory of the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Izvestiya Saratov University. Series: Earth Sciences 22 (2), 132–139 (2022) (in Russian).
  • Yakupova, D.B., Akhmedenov, K.M., “Ichthyosaur from the Cretaceous deposits of Western Kazakhstan”, Is, of paleontology and regional stratigraphy of the Phanerozoic of the European part of Russia: All-Russian scientific and practical conference: collection of scientific papers. Ed. by V.P. Morov et al. Undory: Undory Paleontological Museum named after. S.E. Biryukova, 2023 (in Russian).
  • Efimov, V.M., Efimov, D.V., “Marine reptiles from the Jurassic deposition of Western Kazakhstan”, Intern. Sci. review LVII, 1–3 (2019).
  • Fischer, V., Masure, E., Arkhangelsky, M.S., Godefroit, P., “A new Barremian (Early Cretaceous) ichthyosaur from western Russia”, J. of Vertebrate Paleontology 31, 1010–1025 (2011).
  • Lingham-Soliar, T., “Extinction of ichthyosaurs: a catastrophic or evolutionary paradigm?”, Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 228, 421–452 (2003).
  • McGowan, C., “A revision of the Longipinnate Ichthyosaurs of the Lower Jurassic of England, with descriptions of two new species (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria)”, Life Sciences Contributions Royal Ontario Museum 97, 1–37 (1974).
  • McGowan, C., Motani, R., Ichthyopterygia 8. Munchen: Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil., 2003. 175 p.


  • Atlas of lithologic-paleogeographical, structural, palinspastic and geoecological maps of Central Eurasia. Ed. by S.Zh. Daukeyev, et al. (Ali-Zadeh Almaty: Scientific Research Institute of Natural Resources, 2002) (in Russian).
  • Arkhangelsky, M.S., Marine reptiles of the Mesozoic of the Saratov Volga region, their stratigraphic and bionomic significance: Abstract dis. cand. geol.-min. sci. (Saratov, 1998) (in Russian).
  • Baraboshkin, E.Yu., Blagoveshchensky, I.V., Reference sections of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the Ulyanovsk region. Guide to excursions of the Fifth All-Russian meeting “Cretaceous system of Russia and neighboring countries: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography” (Ulyanovsk: UlGU, 2010) (in Russian).
  • Baraboshkin, E.Yu., Vishnevskaya, B.C., “New data on the stratigraphy of the lectostratotype of the Volga tier near the village Gorodishche (Middle Volga region)”, Stratigraphy. Geol. correlation 9 (5), 77–86 (2001) (in Russian).
  • Geology of the USSR. Western Kazakhstan. Geological description, Ed. by A.L. Yanshin, R.G. Garetsky, V.S. Zhuravlev, R.A. Segedin, A.V. Sidorenko. V. XXI. Part 1 (Moscow: Nedra, 1970) (in Russian).
  • Demchuk, L.V., Kocharyants, S.B., “Correlation of Jurassic sediments of the Caspian basin”, Stratigraphy and correlation of Mesozoic sediments of the Caspian Basin and some features of its development in Mesozoic time (Moscow, 1971, 81–134) (in Russian).
  • Efimov, V.M., Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous ichthyosaurs of the Middle Volga region and Moscow region: Abstract dis. cand. geol.-min. sci. (Saratov, 1997) (in Russian).
  • Efimov, V.M., Akhmedenov, K.M., Yakupova, D.B. “A new representative of the family Undorosauridae from the Middle Volga deposits of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Bull. of the WKSU 4 (76), 506–520 (2019) (in Russian).
  • Efimov, V.M., Efimov, D.V., “Ichthyosaurs of the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Mater. All-Russian scientific-practical conf. “Treshnikov readings – 2018: Modern geographical picture of the world and technologies of geographical education”. Ed. by I.N. Timoshina, et al. (Ulyanovsk: UlSPU im. I.N. Ulyanova, 2018) (in Russian).
  • Efimov, V.M., Silantiev, V.V., Yakupova, D.B., Akhmedenov, K.M., “On the first discovery of ichthyosaur remains in the Mangystau region of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Materials of the LXVI session of the Higher Educational Institution (St. Petersburg, 2020) (in Russian).
  • Zverkov, N.G., “What do we know about ichthyosaurs?”, Bull. of MOIP. Geological department 5, 34–42 (2014) (in Russian).
  • Marinov, V.A., Nekhayev, A.Yu., Khazin, L.B., “New data on the biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Kushmurun quarry (Northern Kazakhstan)”, Bull. of MOIP. Geological department 5–6, 33–46 (2019) (in Russian).
  • Pavlov, A.P., Stratigraphy of the Oxford-Kimmeridgian ammonites and aucellas of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Russia (Moscow: Nauka, 1966) (in Russian).
  • Saveliev, A.A., “On the zonal division of the Albian tier by ammonites”, Evolution of organisms and biostratigraphy of the Middle Cretaceous period (Vladivostok, 1981) (in Russian).
  • Savelyev, A.A., Vasilenko, V.P., “Faunal substantiation of the stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Mangyshlak”, Proc. of VNIGRI 218, 248–300 (1963) (in Russian).
  • Yakupova, D.B., Akhmedenov, K.M., “A new species of Kazakhstanosaurus efimovi Yakupova et Akhmedenov sp. nov. (Ichthyosaurs, Undorosauridae) from the Upper Jurassic deposits of the Middle Volga region of Russia”, Uchen. zap. Kazan. un-ta. Ser. Natures. science 161, book 2, 251–263 (2021) (in Russian).
  • Yakupova, D.B., “On the remains of an ichthyosaur of the genus Nannopterygius from the Late Jurassic of the West Kazakhstan region”, Bull. of KazNU named after al-Farabi. The ecol. series 3 (68), 94–101 (2021) (in Russian).
  • Yakupova, D.B., Akhmedenov, K.M., “Finds of Nannopterygius on the territory of the West Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Izvestiya Saratov University. Series: Earth Sciences 22 (2), 132–139 (2022) (in Russian).
  • Yakupova, D.B., Akhmedenov, K.M., “Ichthyosaur from the Cretaceous deposits of Western Kazakhstan”, Is, of paleontology and regional stratigraphy of the Phanerozoic of the European part of Russia: All-Russian scientific and practical conference: collection of scientific papers. Ed. by V.P. Morov et al. Undory: Undory Paleontological Museum named after. S.E. Biryukova, 2023 (in Russian).
  • Efimov, V.M., Efimov, D.V., “Marine reptiles from the Jurassic deposition of Western Kazakhstan”, Intern. Sci. review LVII, 1–3 (2019).
  • Fischer, V., Masure, E., Arkhangelsky, M.S., Godefroit, P., “A new Barremian (Early Cretaceous) ichthyosaur from western Russia”, J. of Vertebrate Paleontology 31, 1010–1025 (2011).
  • Lingham-Soliar, T., “Extinction of ichthyosaurs: a catastrophic or evolutionary paradigm?”, Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen 228, 421–452 (2003).
  • McGowan, C., “A revision of the Longipinnate Ichthyosaurs of the Lower Jurassic of England, with descriptions of two new species (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria)”, Life Sciences Contributions Royal Ontario Museum 97, 1–37 (1974).
  • McGowan, C., Motani, R., Ichthyopterygia 8. Munchen: Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil., 2003. 175 p.