History and Subject Matter

The first issue of the scientific and practical journal Life of the Earth was published in 1961.

 In 1983, the journal was categorized as an annual periodical (ISSN 0514-7468). By 2015, 37 issues of the journal had been published.


Since 2016, the Journal has become a regular publication and is published four times a year.

Articles are published in Russian with detailed annotations in English. Transliterated and translated reference lists are also available.

It is possible to publish English-language articles with detailed annotations in Russian.

The volume of each issue is about 120 pages.

In general, the Journal continues the traditions of the Journal of Earth Sciences, published by the Geography Department of the Society of Amateurs of Natural History, Anthropology and Ethnography from 1894 to 1917.

The Journal publishes the results of scientific research and museum-methodological work in the field of geosphere interaction, natural science museology, museum education and history of science.

The Journal endeavors to publish meaningful and high-quality research across the full spectrum of the Earth sciences, as well as reviews of current books and artistic events. The content of the Journal reflects all disciplines of geosciences as well as some issues of the humanities and aims to apply the results of this research to specific educational programmes based at university museums. Among the topical issues of the Journal are the problems of modernizing museum exposition on the basis of the fundamental results obtained and ways of popularizing major museum events.

The editorial board includes leading Russian and foreign specialists.

The publication of articles is free of charge.

The Journal was established by the Museum of Earth Sciences of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and is published by the Moscow University Press. Preparation of issues for publication is carried out by the Museum of Earth Sciences of MSU in close co-operation with the Eurasian Association of Universities (EAU) and the V.I. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation.

The Journal is registered in the system of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), and is included in the system “CyberLeninka” – Russian scientific electronic library based on the concept of open science, as well as in the “List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and editions published in the Russian Federation, in which the main scientific results of doctoral dissertations should be published” (VAK List).