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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 1
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 1

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Fomin, A.A.

Ключевые слова:


contracting cycles, biota, tectonics, magmatism, volcanoes, biodiversity, accelerated evolution, singularity, live matter in the biosphere.

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For citation:

Fomin, A.A., “Acceleration of both biotic and tectonic evolutions: does biota modulate tectonics?”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 1, 33–47 (2024) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m3772.0514-7468.2024_46_1/33-47.


The old hypothesis by Academician V.I. Vernadsky of the biosphere being a geological force to build the surface and immediate interior of our planet is indirectly supported based on statistical data. According to occurrence data on findings of all known animal specimens and according to some characteristics of the tectonic activity of the Earth, the presence of several previously unknown cycles shortening from cycle to cycle (approx. By a factor of 1.51) over about a billion years, is substantiated. This leads to an idea of a cause-and-effect relationship between these two different categories of cycles. The influence of tectonics on biota, to one degree or another, has long been known. However, due to the mentioned cycles being rather accelerated, it is difficult to imagine that such strong acceleration in the tectonic cycles could arise due to some intra-tectonic causes, whereas the accelerated nature of biotic evolution due to some intrabiotic causes is quite possible. So, a conclusion arises of the mentioned contracting tectonic cycles being modulated by biota. Possible mechanisms of such influence are hypothesized, their clarification requiring additional research. This conclusion is revolutionary for geology and reveals biotic evolution’s previously unknown role as an active creator of global tectonic (cyclic) processes at a new, quantitative level, which is also revolutionary for evolutionary biology. But, regardless of these conclusions, the mentioned decreasing cyclicity is of interest itself, for the first time (statistically) speaking about the accelerated nature of evolution over such vast time periods.

Список литературы

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  3. Bozhko, N.A., “Diamond-bearing magmatism in supercontinental cycles“, Ores and Metals 3, 22–27 (2019) (in Russian).
  4. Bozhko, N.A., “Intraplate mafic-ultramafic magmatism in time and in the aspect of supercontinental cyclicity”, Bull. of Moscow University. Geology 4 (3), 10–24 (2010).
  5. Garshin, I.K., “About galactic cycles in the history of the Earth”, History and Mathematics 22–62 (Volgograd: Uchitel’, 2016).
  6. GEOKHI RAS, Homepage of the Laboratory of Geochemistry and Ore Potential of Alkaline Magmatism (http://www.geokhi.ru/Lab14/Home.aspx) (in Russian).
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  8. Grinin, L.E., Korotayev, A.V., “Cycles, crises, and traps of the modern World System”, Study of Kondratieff, Juglar and secular cycles, global crises, Malthusian and post-Malthusian traps (Moscow: LKI, 2012) (in Russian).
  9. Korotayev, A.V., “Singularity of the 21st century in the context of Big History: a mathematical analysis”, Evolution 10, 19–79 (Volgograd: Uchitel, 2020) (in Russian).
  10. Kuz’min, M., Yarmolyuk, V., “Biography of the Earth: the main stages of geological history”, Nature 6, 12–25 (2017) (in Russian).
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  13. Tkachyov, A.V., Bulov, S.V., Rundkvist, D.V., Pokhno, S.A., Vishnevskaya, N.A., Nikonov, R.A., “WEB-GIS The largest fields in the world”, Geoinformatics 47 (1) (2015) (in Russian).
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  17. Fomin, A.A., “Rank distribution of paleontological marine genera and protodemographic cycles”, Evolution (Volgograd: Uchitel, 2020) (in Russian).
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  19. Black, B.A., Elkins-Tanton, L.T., Rowe, M.C., “Volatile release from the Siberian Traps and the end-Permian environment”, Amer. Geophysical Union annual meeting. December 13, abstract id. V13E-2400 (2010).
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  22. Ding, G., Kang, J., Liu, Q., Shi, T., Pei, G., Li, Y., “Insights into the Coupling of Duplication Events and Macroevolution from an Age Profile of Animal Transmembrane Gene Families”, Public Libr. Sci. Comput. Biology 2 (8), 1–7 (2006).
  23. Ernst, R.E., Bond, D.P.G., Zhang, S.-H., Buchan, K. L., Grasby, S.E., Bilali, H.E., Bekker, A., Doucet, L.S., “Large Igneous Province Record Through Time and Implications for Secular Environmental Changes and Geological Time-Scale Boundaries. Large Igneous Provinces: A Driver of Global Environmental and Biotic Changes?”, Geophysical Monograph 255, Ed. by Ernst, R.E., Dickson, A.J., Bekker, A.P. (2021).
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  25. Fomin, A.A., “Hyperbolic evolution from biosphere to technosphere”, J. of Big History II (3) 105–118 (2020).
  26. Glaznev, V.N., “Cycles of alkaline magmatism”, Geochemistry Inter. 44 (3), 274–285 (2006).
  27. Grasby, S.E., Sanei, H., Beauchamp, B., “Catastrophic dispersion of coal fly ash into oceans during the latest Permian extinction”, Nature Geoscience 4, 104–107 (2011).
  28. Höning, D., Hansen-Goos, H., Airo, A., Spohn, T., “Biotic vs. abiotic Earth: A model for mantle hydration and continental coverage”, Planetary and Space Sci. 98, 5–13 (2014).
  29. Höning, D., Spohn, T., “Continental Growth and Mantle Hydration as Intertwined Feedback Cycles in Earth’s Thermal Evolution”, Planetary Interiors 255, 27–49 (2016).
  30. Keller, C.B., Schoene, B., “Statistical geochemistry reveals disruption in secular litho-spheric evolution about 2.5 Gyr ago”, Nature 485, 490–493 (2012).
  31. Medvedev, M.V., Melott, A.L., “Do extragalactic cosmic rays induce cycles in fossil diversity?”, The Astrophysical J. 664, 879–889 (2007).
  32. Nance R.D., Murphy J.B., Santosh M., “The supercontinent cycle: A retrospective essay”, Gondwana Research 25, 4–29 (2014).
  33. Paleobiology Database. Animalia (https://paleobiodb.org/classic/displayDownloadGenerator).
  34. Pralong, A., Birrer, C., Stahel, W.A., Funk, M., “On the predictability of ice avalanches”, Nonlinear Proc. in Geophysics 12, 849–861 (2005).
  35. Schoene, B., Samperton, K.M., Eddy, M.P., Keller, G, Adatte, T, Bowring, S.A., Khadri, S.F.R., Gertsch, B., “U-Pb geochronology of the Deccan Traps and relation to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction”, Science 347 (6218), 182–184 (2015).
  36. Snakin, V.V., “Lithospheric plate tectonics and mass extinctions of biological species”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 946 012009 (2021).
  37. Sornette, D., Sammis, C.G., “Complex Critical Exponents from Renormalization Group Theory of Earthquakes: Implications for Earthquake Predictions”, J. Phys. I France 5, 607–619 (1995).
  38. Umbgrove, J.H.F., The Pulse of the Earth (Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1947).
  39. Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercontinent).


  1. Aksenov, G.P., “V.I. Vernadsky: «Living matter is a geological concept»”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45 (1), 15–26 (2023) (in Russian).
  2. Aplonov, S.V., “Energy and tectonic activity of the Earth, Lecture 11”. Evolution of the Earth (2014) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0f5dx3wNmg) (in Russian).
  3. Bozhko, N.A., “Diamond-bearing magmatism in supercontinental cycles“, Ores and Metals 3, 22–27 (2019) (in Russian).
  4. Bozhko, N.A., “Intraplate mafic-ultramafic magmatism in time and in the aspect of supercontinental cyclicity”, Bull. of Moscow University. Geology 4 (3), 10–24 (2010).
  5. Garshin, I.K., “About galactic cycles in the history of the Earth”, History and Mathematics 22–62 (Volgograd: Uchitel’, 2016).
  6. GEOKHI RAS, Homepage of the Laboratory of Geochemistry and Ore Potential of Alkaline Magmatism (http://www.geokhi.ru/Lab14/Home.aspx) (in Russian).
  7. Glazovsky, N.F., “Possible role of organic matter in tectonic and volcanic processes”, Izbr. sochineniya. Geochemical flows in the biosphere 1, 520–525 (Moscow: KMK, 2006) (in Russian).
  8. Grinin, L.E., Korotayev, A.V., “Cycles, crises, and traps of the modern World System”, Study of Kondratieff, Juglar and secular cycles, global crises, Malthusian and post-Malthusian traps (Moscow: LKI, 2012) (in Russian).
  9. Korotayev, A.V., “Singularity of the 21st century in the context of Big History: a mathematical analysis”, Evolution 10, 19–79 (Volgograd: Uchitel, 2020) (in Russian).
  10. Kuz’min, M., Yarmolyuk, V., “Biography of the Earth: the main stages of geological history”, Nature 6, 12–25 (2017) (in Russian).
  11. Panov, A.D., Universal evolution and the problem of searching for extraterrestrial mind (Moscow: LKI, 2007) (in Russian).
  12. Sornette, D., Why stock markets crash: critical events in complex financial systems (Princeton University Press, cop. 2003).
  13. Tkachyov, A.V., Bulov, S.V., Rundkvist, D.V., Pokhno, S.A., Vishnevskaya, N.A., Nikonov, R.A., “WEB-GIS The largest fields in the world”, Geoinformatics 47 (1) (2015) (in Russian).
  14. Fomin, A.A., “Unevenness cycles of the global socio-economic development may be no younger than the human. Direct evolutionary continuity with modernity”, History and Mathematics (Volgograd: Uchitel’, 2018) (in Russian).
  15. Fomin, A.A., “Are the Kondratieff cycles getting shorter?”, Kondratieff waves (Volgograd: Uchitel’, 2023) (in Russian).
  16. Fomin, A.A., “End-to-end hyperbolic evolution: from the biosphere to the technosphere”, Evolution. Evolutionary facets of singularity (Volgograd: Uchitel, 2020) (in Russian).
  17. Fomin, A.A., “Rank distribution of paleontological marine genera and protodemographic cycles”, Evolution (Volgograd: Uchitel, 2020) (in Russian).
  18. Bar, Y.M., Phillips, R., Milo, R., “The biomass distribution on Earth”, PNAS, 115 (25), 6506–6511 (2018).
  19. Black, B.A., Elkins-Tanton, L.T., Rowe, M.C., “Volatile release from the Siberian Traps and the end-Permian environment”, Amer. Geophysical Union annual meeting. December 13, abstract id. V13E-2400 (2010).
  20. Burgess, S.D., Bowringa, S., Shenb, S.-Z., “High-precision timeline for Earth’s most severe extinction”, PNAS 111 (9), 3316–3321 (2011).
  21. Cortez, M.H., Weitz, J.S., “Coevolution can reverse predator–prey cycles”, PNAS 111 (20), 7486–7491.
  22. Ding, G., Kang, J., Liu, Q., Shi, T., Pei, G., Li, Y., “Insights into the Coupling of Duplication Events and Macroevolution from an Age Profile of Animal Transmembrane Gene Families”, Public Libr. Sci. Comput. Biology 2 (8), 1–7 (2006).
  23. Ernst, R.E., Bond, D.P.G., Zhang, S.-H., Buchan, K. L., Grasby, S.E., Bilali, H.E., Bekker, A., Doucet, L.S., “Large Igneous Province Record Through Time and Implications for Secular Environmental Changes and Geological Time-Scale Boundaries. Large Igneous Provinces: A Driver of Global Environmental and Biotic Changes?”, Geophysical Monograph 255, Ed. by Ernst, R.E., Dickson, A.J., Bekker, A.P. (2021).
  24. Faillettaz, J., Fumk, M., Sornette, D., Icequakes as precursors of ice avalanches, (2009) (http://arxiv.org/abs/0906.5528).
  25. Fomin, A.A., “Hyperbolic evolution from biosphere to technosphere”, J. of Big History II (3) 105–118 (2020).
  26. Glaznev, V.N., “Cycles of alkaline magmatism”, Geochemistry Inter. 44 (3), 274–285 (2006).
  27. Grasby, S.E., Sanei, H., Beauchamp, B., “Catastrophic dispersion of coal fly ash into oceans during the latest Permian extinction”, Nature Geoscience 4, 104–107 (2011).
  28. Höning, D., Hansen-Goos, H., Airo, A., Spohn, T., “Biotic vs. abiotic Earth: A model for mantle hydration and continental coverage”, Planetary and Space Sci. 98, 5–13 (2014).
  29. Höning, D., Spohn, T., “Continental Growth and Mantle Hydration as Intertwined Feedback Cycles in Earth’s Thermal Evolution”, Planetary Interiors 255, 27–49 (2016).
  30. Keller, C.B., Schoene, B., “Statistical geochemistry reveals disruption in secular litho-spheric evolution about 2.5 Gyr ago”, Nature 485, 490–493 (2012).
  31. Medvedev, M.V., Melott, A.L., “Do extragalactic cosmic rays induce cycles in fossil diversity?”, The Astrophysical J. 664, 879–889 (2007).
  32. Nance R.D., Murphy J.B., Santosh M., “The supercontinent cycle: A retrospective essay”, Gondwana Research 25, 4–29 (2014).
  33. Paleobiology Database. Animalia (https://paleobiodb.org/classic/displayDownloadGenerator).
  34. Pralong, A., Birrer, C., Stahel, W.A., Funk, M., “On the predictability of ice avalanches”, Nonlinear Proc. in Geophysics 12, 849–861 (2005).
  35. Schoene, B., Samperton, K.M., Eddy, M.P., Keller, G, Adatte, T, Bowring, S.A., Khadri, S.F.R., Gertsch, B., “U-Pb geochronology of the Deccan Traps and relation to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction”, Science 347 (6218), 182–184 (2015).
  36. Snakin, V.V., “Lithospheric plate tectonics and mass extinctions of biological species”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 946 012009 (2021).
  37. Sornette, D., Sammis, C.G., “Complex Critical Exponents from Renormalization Group Theory of Earthquakes: Implications for Earthquake Predictions”, J. Phys. I France 5, 607–619 (1995).
  38. Umbgrove, J.H.F., The Pulse of the Earth (Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1947).
  39. Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supercontinent).