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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 3
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 3

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Bashkatov, A.N., Ivanov, A.V.

Ключевые слова:


geographical image, natural and historical landscape, natural heritage, sights, Upper Cretaceous, Paleocene, Lower Volga region.

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For citation:

Bashkatov, A.N., Ivanov, A.V., «Geological traits of the geographical image of the natural and historical landscape “White Coast”», Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 3, 266–277 (2024) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m4182.0514-7468.2023_46_3/266-277.

Geological traits of the geographical imageof the natural and historical landscape «White Coast» in the Lower Volga region

The coastal image is widely manifested in various aspects of human activity, which is expressed in terms of aesthetic perception, cognition and preservation of natural and cultural heritage. “White Coast” is the figurative name of a wide strip of the right bank of the Volga River from the village of Zolotoye to Mount Durman in the southern part of the Saratov region, a unique natural and historical landscape. Such a perception of the landscape is primarily due to the predominance of upper Cretaceous and Paleocene sediments in the section (primarily the Turonian-Coniacian rhythmic strata composed of light carbonate rocks), exposed throughout the entire length of the Volga coastal ledge. The accumulation of significant geological, paleontological, archaeological and other objects in this area makes it possible to consider the territory as an interdisciplinary scientific and educational polygon, as well as an effective geoecotouristic cluster.

Список литературы

  • Zamyatin, D.N., “Geographical image”, Humanitarian geography. Scientific, cultural and educational almanac 4 (Moscow, 2007) (in Russian).
  • Vedenin, Yu.A., Kuleshova, M.E., “Cultural landscape as a category of heritage”, Cultural landscape as a heritage object. Ed. by Yu.A. Vedenin, M.E. Kuleshova (Moscow: Institute of Heritage; St. Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanin, 2004) (in Russian).
  • Ivanov, A.V., Yashkov, I.A., Coastal Paleogene geoecosystems of the Volga region and Western Siberia: guide and catalog of the exhibition “Ancient Lukomorye” (Moscow: Nauka, 2022) (in Russian).
  • Educational and local history atlas of the Saratov region (Saratov: Publishing House of Saratov University, 2013) (in Russian).
  • Khudyakov, G.I., Concept of noöspheric structures (Saratov: Publishing House of SSU, 1993) (in Russian).
  • Ogadzhanov, A.V., Physico-geological models of seismogenerating inhomogeneities of the Earth’s crust in the Middle and Lower Volga region. PhD diss. abstr. (Saratov, 2007) (in Russian).
  • Bashkatov, A.N., “Lineament analysis of the Danilovsko–Shcherbakov structures based on Google Earth satellite images”, Proc. All-Russian Scientific Symposium “Problems of synergetics and coevolution of geospheres”, 104–107 (2008) (in Russian).
  • Bashkatov, A.N., “Topological analysis of the valleys of the city of Saratov and the model polygon on the right bank of the Lower Volga”, Izvestiya SSU, series “Earth Sciences” 10 (2), 3–10 (2010) (in Russian).
  • Gabdullin, R.R., Ivanov, A.V., Rhythmicity of carbonate strata (Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2002) (in Russian).
  • Milanovsky, E.V., An essay on the geology of the Middle and Lower Volga region (Moscow–Le­ningrad: State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Petroleum and mining and Fuel literature, 1940) (in Russian).
  • Yashkov, I.A., Vinogradova, T.N., Ivanov, A.V., Bannovsky scientific and educational polygon of Gagarin State Technical University: field practice of students of the direction “Land management and cadastres”: textbook (Saratov: Publishing House of Saratov State Technical University, 2014) (in Russian).
  • Ivanov, A.V., Yashkov, I.A., Zakharov, E.E., Expeditions to the Volga and Caspian regions. Sketches of the half of the millennium. From the first travelers to the “Flotilla of floating universities” (Moscow: Russian World, 2021) (in Russian).


  • Zamyatin, D.N., “Geographical image”, Humanitarian geography. Scientific, cultural and educational almanac 4 (Moscow, 2007) (in Russian).
  • Vedenin, Yu.A., Kuleshova, M.E., “Cultural landscape as a category of heritage”, Cultural landscape as a heritage object. Ed. by Yu.A. Vedenin, M.E. Kuleshova (Moscow: Institute of Heritage; St. Petersburg: Dmitry Bulanin, 2004) (in Russian).
  • Ivanov, A.V., Yashkov, I.A., Coastal Paleogene geoecosystems of the Volga region and Western Siberia: guide and catalog of the exhibition “Ancient Lukomorye” (Moscow: Nauka, 2022) (in Russian).
  • Educational and local history atlas of the Saratov region (Saratov: Publishing House of Saratov University, 2013) (in Russian).
  • Khudyakov, G.I., Concept of noöspheric structures (Saratov: Publishing House of SSU, 1993) (in Russian).
  • Ogadzhanov, A.V., Physico-geological models of seismogenerating inhomogeneities of the Earth’s crust in the Middle and Lower Volga region. PhD diss. abstr. (Saratov, 2007) (in Russian).
  • Bashkatov, A.N., “Lineament analysis of the Danilovsko–Shcherbakov structures based on Google Earth satellite images”, Proc. All-Russian Scientific Symposium “Problems of synergetics and coevolution of geospheres”, 104–107 (2008) (in Russian).
  • Bashkatov, A.N., “Topological analysis of the valleys of the city of Saratov and the model polygon on the right bank of the Lower Volga”, Izvestiya SSU, series “Earth Sciences” 10 (2), 3–10 (2010) (in Russian).
  • Gabdullin, R.R., Ivanov, A.V., Rhythmicity of carbonate strata (Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2002) (in Russian).
  • Milanovsky, E.V., An essay on the geology of the Middle and Lower Volga region (Moscow–Le­ningrad: State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Petroleum and mining and Fuel literature, 1940) (in Russian).
  • Yashkov, I.A., Vinogradova, T.N., Ivanov, A.V., Bannovsky scientific and educational polygon of Gagarin State Technical University: field practice of students of the direction “Land management and cadastres”: textbook (Saratov: Publishing House of Saratov State Technical University, 2014) (in Russian).
  • Ivanov, A.V., Yashkov, I.A., Zakharov, E.E., Expeditions to the Volga and Caspian regions. Sketches of the half of the millennium. From the first travelers to the “Flotilla of floating universities” (Moscow: Russian World, 2021) (in Russian).