A popular science film “Brotherhood of Scientific Creativity. Floating University named after Vladimir Vernadsky” was shot to the 160th anniversary of the birth of Academician V.I. Vernadsky. Work on the film was carried out during 2022–2023 as part of the activities of the scientific and educational expedition «Floating Universities Flotilla» (the field work regions being the Middle and Lower Volga river, Don river, Caspian sea). It includes the original projects “Academician Vernadsky’s Floating University” and “Floating mobile-network museum center”. The concept of the project basically provides for interdisciplinary research on a wide range of problems of the interaction of geospheres and the evolution of geoecosystems, which is being implemented by creative teams of scientists from various fields and students with the active involvement of the local population in interactive museum practices. According to the main message of the film, it is in such an environment of “scientific creativity”, in the format of field natural sciences, that the development of the ideological heritage of V.I. Vernadsky on the principles of the “Priyutinsky Brotherhood” and maturation of the “new Vernadskies” from novice researchers. The original system of scenario and producer’s decisions included the contrast of images «academician–student», a series of episodes of actual field research (the study of geological sections, the phenomenon of lithophagy, natural and anthropogenic objects) with the implicit inclusion of the “young Vernadsky” in the process (the character is an actor) and subsequent the culminating meeting of the “two Vernadskies” (montage) against the background of the Volga river – a symbolic handover of the baton of “scientific creativity” to a new generation.
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3
Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3
Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3
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Zakharov, E.E., Ivanov, A.V.
Ключевые слова:
interactive museology, field natural sciences, popular science film, V.I. Vernadsky, “Priyutinsky brotherhood”, scientific and educa-tional project, expedition “Floating Universities Flotilla”, interaction of geospheres, Volga region.
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For citation:
Zakharov, E.E., Ivanov, A.V., “Interactive museology and field natural sciences in the film «Brotherhood of scientific creativity. Floating university named after Vladimir Vernadsky»”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3, 407–420 (2023) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m3557.0514-7468.2023_45_3/407-420.
Interactive museology and field natural sciences in the film “Brotherhood of scientific creativity. Floating university named after Vladimir Vernadsky”
Список литературы
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- Ivanov, A.V., Yashkov, I.A., Zakharov, E.E., Expeditions to the Volga and Caspian Regions. Etudes of the Half-Millennium. From the First Travelers to the “Flotilla of Floating Universities” (Moscow: Russky Mir, 2021) (in Russian).
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- Snakin, V.V., “Dynamics of global natural processes and V.I. Vernadsky’s teaching of the biosphere”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45 (1), 27–38 (2023) (in Russian).