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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2

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Moloshnikov, S.V.

Ключевые слова:


vertebrate palaeontology, placoderm fishes, euarthrodires, Late Devonian, Frasnian, East-European platform, Central Devonian field, European Russia, Mikhaylovsky Mine.

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Moloshnikov, S.V., “New data of the late Devonian plourdosteids (Pisces, Placodermi) from the Mikhaylovsky mine (Kursk region)”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2, 198–205 (2024) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m4158.0514-7468.2023_46_2/198-205.

New data of the late Devonian plourdosteids (Pisces, Placodermi) from the Mikhaylovsky mine (Kursk region)

New data on the placoderm fish Plourdosteus livonicus (Eastman, 1896) from the Lower Frasnian deposits of the Mikhaylovsky Mine in the Kursk Region is described. These remains are currently housed at the Earth Science Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The medio-dorsal plate from this locality allows reconstructing its form and proportion, as also early unknown anterior division of the bone. Only small fragments of medio-dorsal plates were formerly described and figured for P. livonicus from this and other localities in European Russia. So, the new data from the Mikhaylovsky Mine adds to the morphology information of this species. The medio-dorsals are of diagnostic significance and distinguish in the plourdosteids. The specimen from the Earth Science Museum’s collection is compared with the medio-dorsal plates of other Frasnian Plourdosteus species from the East-European platform.

Список литературы

  • Ivanov, A.O., “Plourdosteus livonicus placoderms (Eastman) from the Lower Frasnian of the Main Devonian field”, Palaeontology and Stratigraphy of Phanerozoic of Latvia and Baltic Sea (Riga: Zinatne, 1992) (in Russian).
  • Ivanov, A.O., “Assemblages of vertebrates and zones from the Upper Givetion and Lower Frasnian of the East European Platform and Urals”, Vestnik of Geosciences 1 (337), 23–29 (2023) (in Russian, abstract in English). DOI: 10.19110/geov.2023.1.3.
  • Kirilishina, E.M., Moloshnikov, S.V., Krupina, N.I., “Exhibition ‘Christian Pander – the outstanding biologist and palaeontologist’ at the Earth Science Museum of Moscow State University (to the 225th anniversary)”, Science in University Museum: Materials of the Annual All-Russian Scientific Conference (Moscow: MAKS Press, 2020) (in Russian).
  • Lebedev, O.A., Zakharenko, G.V., Broushkin, A.V., et al., “A new unique locality of the Middle Devonian ichthyofauna and flora in the Mikhaylovsky Mine (KMA)”, Paleostrat‑2015. Annual meeting (scientific conference) of the Paleontological Section of the Moscow Soc. Naturalists and Paleontol. Soc. of Russia. Program and abstracts (Moscow, 2015) (in Russian).
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “On the finds of the psammosteids (Agnatha, Heterostraci) in the Lower Frasnian deposits of the Mikhaylovsky Mine (Kursk Region)”, Paleontological J. 5, 84–88 (2007).
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “Placoderm fish of Plourdosteus livonicus (Eastman) in the Early Frasnian of the Central Devonian field and trophic structure of the Mikhaylovsky ichthyocomplex”, Paleontological J. 6, 36–42 (2008).
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “On the age of bone-bearing beds with uranium-rare earth-noble metals at the upper part of the Mikhaylovsky Mine (KMA) based on palaeoichthyological data”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 33, 60–67 (2011) (in Russian).
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “Structure of the armour of Devonian fish Asterolepis radiata Rohon (new data in the collection of the Earth Science Museum of Moscow State University”, Science in University Museum: Materials of the Annual All-Russian Sci. Conf. (Moscow: MAKS Press, 2019) (in Russian).
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “Finds of the dunkleosteid placoderms (Pisces, Placodermi) in European Russia (Central Devonian field)”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 43 (1), 67–76 (2021) (in Russian, abstract in English). DOI: 10.29003/m1995.0514–7468.2020_43_1/67–76.
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “Middle Devonian coccosteid placoderms from the Voronezh region (Givetian of the Pavlovsk quarry) by materials in the collection of the Earth Science Museum”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 44 (3), 334–342 (2022) (in Russian, abstract in English). DOI: 10.29003/m3047.0514-7468.2022_44_3/334-342.
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “Some representatives of the Upper Devonian ichthyofauna in the collection of the Earth Science Museum of Moscow State University”, Science in University Museum: Materials of the Annual All-Russian Sci. Conf. (Moscow: MAKS Press, 2023) (in Russian). DOI: 10.29003/m3790.978-5-317-07116-5.
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., Kirilishina, E.M., “Josef Rohon and researches of the Russian fossil ichthyofauna in the second part of the 19th century: to the 175th anniversary”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 42 (2), 226–237 (2020) (in Russian, abstract in English). DOI 10.29003/m1392.0514-7468.2020_42_2/226-237.
  • Obrucheva, O.P., “Two species of Plourdosteus (Arthrodira) from the Upper Devonian deposits of USSR”, Paleontological J. 3, 78–94 (1959) (in Russian).
  • Obrucheva, O.P., Placoderms from the Devonian in USSR (coccosteids and dinichthyids) (Moscow: MGU, 1962) (in Russian).
  • Utekhin, D.N., “Devonian system», Geology, hydrogeology and iron ore from the basin of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly I: Geology. B. 2: Sedimentary complex (Moscow: Nedra, 1972) (in Russian).
  • Eastman, C.R., “Observations on the dorsal shields in the Dinichthyids”, Amer. Geologist 18 (4), 222–223 (1896).
  • Esin, D., Ginter, M., Ivanov, A., et al., “Vertebrate correlation of the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous on the East European Platform”, Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenb. 223, 341–359 (2000).
  • Gross, W., “Die Fische des Baltischen Devons”, Palaeontogr. A. 79, 97 (1933).
  • Ørvig, T., “Histologie studies of Placoderms and fossil Elasmobranchs”, Arkiv Zool. Ser. 2. 2 (2), 321–451 (1951).
  • Vorobyeva, E.I., Panteleev, N.V., Kolobayeva, O.V., “Upper Devonian ichthyofauna from the Michailovskij excavation of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, Russia: a preliminary report”, Modern Geology 21, 79–86 (1997).


  • Ivanov, A.O., “Plourdosteus livonicus placoderms (Eastman) from the Lower Frasnian of the Main Devonian field”, Palaeontology and Stratigraphy of Phanerozoic of Latvia and Baltic Sea (Riga: Zinatne, 1992) (in Russian).
  • Ivanov, A.O., “Assemblages of vertebrates and zones from the Upper Givetion and Lower Frasnian of the East European Platform and Urals”, Vestnik of Geosciences 1 (337), 23–29 (2023) (in Russian, abstract in English). DOI: 10.19110/geov.2023.1.3.
  • Kirilishina, E.M., Moloshnikov, S.V., Krupina, N.I., “Exhibition ‘Christian Pander – the outstanding biologist and palaeontologist’ at the Earth Science Museum of Moscow State University (to the 225th anniversary)”, Science in University Museum: Materials of the Annual All-Russian Scientific Conference (Moscow: MAKS Press, 2020) (in Russian).
  • Lebedev, O.A., Zakharenko, G.V., Broushkin, A.V., et al., “A new unique locality of the Middle Devonian ichthyofauna and flora in the Mikhaylovsky Mine (KMA)”, Paleostrat‑2015. Annual meeting (scientific conference) of the Paleontological Section of the Moscow Soc. Naturalists and Paleontol. Soc. of Russia. Program and abstracts (Moscow, 2015) (in Russian).
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “On the finds of the psammosteids (Agnatha, Heterostraci) in the Lower Frasnian deposits of the Mikhaylovsky Mine (Kursk Region)”, Paleontological J. 5, 84–88 (2007).
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “Placoderm fish of Plourdosteus livonicus (Eastman) in the Early Frasnian of the Central Devonian field and trophic structure of the Mikhaylovsky ichthyocomplex”, Paleontological J. 6, 36–42 (2008).
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “On the age of bone-bearing beds with uranium-rare earth-noble metals at the upper part of the Mikhaylovsky Mine (KMA) based on palaeoichthyological data”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 33, 60–67 (2011) (in Russian).
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “Structure of the armour of Devonian fish Asterolepis radiata Rohon (new data in the collection of the Earth Science Museum of Moscow State University”, Science in University Museum: Materials of the Annual All-Russian Sci. Conf. (Moscow: MAKS Press, 2019) (in Russian).
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “Finds of the dunkleosteid placoderms (Pisces, Placodermi) in European Russia (Central Devonian field)”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 43 (1), 67–76 (2021) (in Russian, abstract in English). DOI: 10.29003/m1995.0514–7468.2020_43_1/67–76.
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “Middle Devonian coccosteid placoderms from the Voronezh region (Givetian of the Pavlovsk quarry) by materials in the collection of the Earth Science Museum”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 44 (3), 334–342 (2022) (in Russian, abstract in English). DOI: 10.29003/m3047.0514-7468.2022_44_3/334-342.
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., “Some representatives of the Upper Devonian ichthyofauna in the collection of the Earth Science Museum of Moscow State University”, Science in University Museum: Materials of the Annual All-Russian Sci. Conf. (Moscow: MAKS Press, 2023) (in Russian). DOI: 10.29003/m3790.978-5-317-07116-5.
  • Moloshnikov, S.V., Kirilishina, E.M., “Josef Rohon and researches of the Russian fossil ichthyofauna in the second part of the 19th century: to the 175th anniversary”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 42 (2), 226–237 (2020) (in Russian, abstract in English). DOI 10.29003/m1392.0514-7468.2020_42_2/226-237.
  • Obrucheva, O.P., “Two species of Plourdosteus (Arthrodira) from the Upper Devonian deposits of USSR”, Paleontological J. 3, 78–94 (1959) (in Russian).
  • Obrucheva, O.P., Placoderms from the Devonian in USSR (coccosteids and dinichthyids) (Moscow: MGU, 1962) (in Russian).
  • Utekhin, D.N., “Devonian system», Geology, hydrogeology and iron ore from the basin of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly I: Geology. B. 2: Sedimentary complex (Moscow: Nedra, 1972) (in Russian).
  • Eastman, C.R., “Observations on the dorsal shields in the Dinichthyids”, Amer. Geologist 18 (4), 222–223 (1896).
  • Esin, D., Ginter, M., Ivanov, A., et al., “Vertebrate correlation of the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous on the East European Platform”, Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenb. 223, 341–359 (2000).
  • Gross, W., “Die Fische des Baltischen Devons”, Palaeontogr. A. 79, 97 (1933).
  • Ørvig, T., “Histologie studies of Placoderms and fossil Elasmobranchs”, Arkiv Zool. Ser. 2. 2 (2), 321–451 (1951).
  • Vorobyeva, E.I., Panteleev, N.V., Kolobayeva, O.V., “Upper Devonian ichthyofauna from the Michailovskij excavation of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, Russia: a preliminary report”, Modern Geology 21, 79–86 (1997).