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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 4
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 4

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Oreshkin, V.N., Khrisanov, V.R.

Ключевые слова:


prevalence of heavy metals, river water, anthropogenic pollution, ecological and geochemical indicator.

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For citation:

Oreshkin, V.N., Khrisanov, V.R., “On the prevalence of background and technogenically dependent concentrations of heavy metals in river waters”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 4, 406–417 (2024) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m4330.0514-7468.2020_46_4/406-417.

On the prevalence of background and technogenically dependent concentrations of heavy metals in river waters

Features of the prevalence of Cd and Pb dissolved forms in the water of sections of the Oka river and other rivers of the Russian Plain are considered. The influence of anthropogenic wastewater (industrial, municipal and agricultural) containing heavy metals is clearly manifested only in certain sections of the rivers of central Russia (Oka River, Volga River, and Moscow River) against the background of natural landscape and geochemical processes. An attempt is made to develop approaches to assessing the degree of anthropogenic influence on the water composition of various river sections, including those remote from pollution zones. An ecological and geochemical lead–cadmium indicator is proposed, which makes it possible to assess the anthropogenic impact and divide river sections into 3 categories (strong, medium and weak pollution, respectively). The river sections with low anthropogenic pollution have high values of this indicator corresponding to waters with the background (or close to background) concentration. A decrease in the indicator values means an increase in the role of anthropogenic effluents in the water composition, and estimates of the average concentrations of elements are technogenically dependent.

Список литературы

  • Brekhovskikh, V.F., Katunin, D.N., Ostrovkaya, E.A., Perekal’sky, V.M., Popova, O.V., “Processes of transfer and accumulation of heavy metals on the Lower Volga”, Water resources 26 (4), 451–461 (1999) (in Russian).
  • Gapeyeva, M.V., Tsel’movich, O.L., “Redistribution of heavy metals in the Sheksninsky ples of the Rybinsk reservoir in connection with emergency situations”, Hydrochemical materials 109, 132–138 (1990) (in Russian).
  • Gordeyev, V.V., Geochemistry of the River-Sea System (Moscow: Matushkin, 2012) (in Russian).
  • Jamalov, R.G., Nikanorov, A.M., Reshetnyak, O.S., Safronova, T.I., “Oka Basin Waters: Chemical Composition and Sources of Pollution”, Water and ecology 3, 114–132 (2017) (in Russian).
  • Rybalsky, N.G., Muravyeva, E.V., Khrisanov, V.R., et al., Report “On the state and use of water resources in the Russian Federation in 2020” (Moscow: Rosvodresursy, NIA-Priroda, 2022) (in Russian)
  • Karpov, Yu.A., Savostin, A.P., Sampling and sample preparation methods (Moscow: Laboratory of Knowledge, 2003) (in Russian)
  • Kozlov, A.V., Mashakin, A.M., Dedyk, V.E., Vorontsova, A.A., Akafieva, D.V., Sokolov, I.S., Kondrashin, B.V., Mironova, Yu.I., Tarasov, I.A., “Ecological and hydrochemical state of water areas of the Oka and Volga within the urban agglomeration of Nizhny Novgorod in terms of the cation–anion composition and the content of heavy metals”, Modern problems of science and education 4 (2017) (https://science-education.ru/ru/issue/view?id=147) (in Russian).
  • Mozhaysky, Yu.A., Guseva, T.M., “Monitoring of Heavy Metals in the Ecosystem of a Small River in the Oka Basin”, Theoretical and Applied Ecology 2, 54–59 (2017) (in Russian).
  • Mozhaysky, Yu.A., Guseva, T.M., Monitoring of heavy metals in ecosystems of small rivers (Moscow: MSU, 2001) (in Russian).
  • Moiseyenko, T.I., Kudryavtseva, L.P., Gashkina, N.A., Dispersed Elements in Surface Terrestrial Waters: Technophilicity, Bioaccumulation, and Ecotoxicology (Moscow: Nauka, 2006) (in Russian).
  • Moiseyenko, T.I., Gashkina, N.A., “Distribution of trace elements in surface waters of the land and features of their aquatic migration”, Water resources 34 (4), 454–468 (2007) (in Russian).
  • Oreshkin, V.N., Tsizin, G.I., Zolotov, Yu.A., “Sorption-atomic absorption analysis of traces of elements in natural waters with dynamic concentration in electrothermal atomizers”, J. Analytical Chemistry 57 (9), 923–928 (2002) (in Russian).
  • Oreshkin, V.N., Tsizin, G.I., “New possibilities of crucible atomizers for atomic absorption analysis of trace elements in solid samples using fractional evaporation”, Bull. of Moscow University. Ser. 2. Chemistry 60 (3), 147–53 (2019) (in Russian).
  • Oreshkin, V.N., Vnukovskaya, G.L., Pleskachevskaya, G.A., “Experience of direct and sorption-atomic absorption analysis of heavy metals in process materials, waste water, sludge and other objects”, Modern methods of analytical control in industrial enterprises (Moscow: MDNTP, 1991) (in Russian).
  • Oreshkin, V.N., Khrisanov, V.R., “Variability of Cadmium and Lead Concentration in the Waters of a Large Plain River during a Thirty-Year Observation Period”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 43 (4), 461–471 (2021). DOI: 10.29003/m2510.0514-7468.2020_43_4/461-471 (in Russian).
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  • Raynin, V.E., Pylenok, P.I., Yashin, V.M., Khalamtseva, I.A., Frize, K., Rupp, H., Kruger, F., “Influence of Floods on the Pollution of the Floodplains of the Oka and Elbe Rivers”, Reclamation and water management 5, 42–45 (1999) (in Russian).
  • Raynin, V.E., Yashin, V.M., Mitryukhin, A.A., Frimmel, F.Kh., Gremm, T., Haidt, A., “Development of River Water Quality in the Area of the Confluence of Moscow and Oka Rivers”, Proc. of VNIIGiM 2, 76–92 (1999) (in Russian).
  • Savenko, A.V., Savenko, V.S., Pokrovsky, O.S., “New data on the content of dissolved trace elements in the waters of the rivers of the Russian Arctic”, Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Earth Sciences 491 (2), 82–88 (2020) (in Russian).
  • Sayet, Yu.E., Revich, B.A., Yanin, E.P., Smirnova, R.S., Basharkevich, I.L., Onishchenko, T.L., Pavlova, L.N., Trefilova, N.Ya., Achkasov, A.I., Sarkisyan, S.Sh., Geochemistry of the Environment (Moscow: Nedra, 1990) (in Russian).
  • Snakin, V.V., Ecology, global natural processes and evolution of the biosphere. Encyclopedic dictionary (Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow University, 2020) (in Russian)
  • Novosel’tsev, V.N., et al., Technogenic pollution of river ecosystems (Moscow: Nauchnyi Mir, 2002) (in Russian)
  • Tomilina, I.I., Gapeyeva, M.V., Loshkina, R.A., “Changes in water quality and bottom sediments of the Sheksninsky ples of the Rybinsk reservoir according to chemical and toxicological indicators for the period 1961–2017”, Proc. of the IBVV RAS 83 (86), 32–49 (2018) (in Russian)
  • Sevostyanov, S.M., Kerzhentsev, A.S. (eds.), Ecological situation in the city of Serpukhov and prospects for its improvement, 2nd ed. (M.: NIA-Priroda, 2008) (in Russian).
  • Uvarov, A.G., “On how to quickly put into practice the metrology of the rivers of Moscow and the possibility of using markers of the genus Potamogeton for biomonitoring”, Water resources. Proc. of the Samara Sci. Center of RAS 17 (6), 150–158 (2015) (in Russian).
  • Gaillardet, J., Viers, J., Dupree, B., “Trace elements in river plates”, Treatise on geochemistry 5, 225–272 (Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2004).
  • Pokrovsky, O.S., Virs, J., Shirokova, L.S., Shevchenko, V.P., Filipov, A.S., Dupre, B., “Dissolved, suspended and colloidal flows of organic carbon, basic and trace elements in the Severnaya Dvina River and its tributaries”, Chemistry. Geol. 273 (1–2), 136–149 (2010).


  • Brekhovskikh, V.F., Katunin, D.N., Ostrovkaya, E.A., Perekal’sky, V.M., Popova, O.V., “Processes of transfer and accumulation of heavy metals on the Lower Volga”, Water resources 26 (4), 451–461 (1999) (in Russian).
  • Gapeyeva, M.V., Tsel’movich, O.L., “Redistribution of heavy metals in the Sheksninsky ples of the Rybinsk reservoir in connection with emergency situations”, Hydrochemical materials 109, 132–138 (1990) (in Russian).
  • Gordeyev, V.V., Geochemistry of the River-Sea System (Moscow: Matushkin, 2012) (in Russian).
  • Jamalov, R.G., Nikanorov, A.M., Reshetnyak, O.S., Safronova, T.I., “Oka Basin Waters: Chemical Composition and Sources of Pollution”, Water and ecology 3, 114–132 (2017) (in Russian).
  • Rybalsky, N.G., Muravyeva, E.V., Khrisanov, V.R., et al., Report “On the state and use of water resources in the Russian Federation in 2020” (Moscow: Rosvodresursy, NIA-Priroda, 2022) (in Russian)
  • Karpov, Yu.A., Savostin, A.P., Sampling and sample preparation methods (Moscow: Laboratory of Knowledge, 2003) (in Russian)
  • Kozlov, A.V., Mashakin, A.M., Dedyk, V.E., Vorontsova, A.A., Akafieva, D.V., Sokolov, I.S., Kondrashin, B.V., Mironova, Yu.I., Tarasov, I.A., “Ecological and hydrochemical state of water areas of the Oka and Volga within the urban agglomeration of Nizhny Novgorod in terms of the cation–anion composition and the content of heavy metals”, Modern problems of science and education 4 (2017) (https://science-education.ru/ru/issue/view?id=147) (in Russian).
  • Mozhaysky, Yu.A., Guseva, T.M., “Monitoring of Heavy Metals in the Ecosystem of a Small River in the Oka Basin”, Theoretical and Applied Ecology 2, 54–59 (2017) (in Russian).
  • Mozhaysky, Yu.A., Guseva, T.M., Monitoring of heavy metals in ecosystems of small rivers (Moscow: MSU, 2001) (in Russian).
  • Moiseyenko, T.I., Kudryavtseva, L.P., Gashkina, N.A., Dispersed Elements in Surface Terrestrial Waters: Technophilicity, Bioaccumulation, and Ecotoxicology (Moscow: Nauka, 2006) (in Russian).
  • Moiseyenko, T.I., Gashkina, N.A., “Distribution of trace elements in surface waters of the land and features of their aquatic migration”, Water resources 34 (4), 454–468 (2007) (in Russian).
  • Oreshkin, V.N., Tsizin, G.I., Zolotov, Yu.A., “Sorption-atomic absorption analysis of traces of elements in natural waters with dynamic concentration in electrothermal atomizers”, J. Analytical Chemistry 57 (9), 923–928 (2002) (in Russian).
  • Oreshkin, V.N., Tsizin, G.I., “New possibilities of crucible atomizers for atomic absorption analysis of trace elements in solid samples using fractional evaporation”, Bull. of Moscow University. Ser. 2. Chemistry 60 (3), 147–53 (2019) (in Russian).
  • Oreshkin, V.N., Vnukovskaya, G.L., Pleskachevskaya, G.A., “Experience of direct and sorption-atomic absorption analysis of heavy metals in process materials, waste water, sludge and other objects”, Modern methods of analytical control in industrial enterprises (Moscow: MDNTP, 1991) (in Russian).
  • Oreshkin, V.N., Khrisanov, V.R., “Variability of Cadmium and Lead Concentration in the Waters of a Large Plain River during a Thirty-Year Observation Period”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 43 (4), 461–471 (2021). DOI: 10.29003/m2510.0514-7468.2020_43_4/461-471 (in Russian).
  • List of fishery standards: maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) and tentatively safe exposure levels (TSEL) of harmful substances for the water of water bodies of fishery importance (Moscow: VNIRO, 1999) (in Russian).
  • Raynin, V.E., Pylenok, P.I., Yashin, V.M., Khalamtseva, I.A., Frize, K., Rupp, H., Kruger, F., “Influence of Floods on the Pollution of the Floodplains of the Oka and Elbe Rivers”, Reclamation and water management 5, 42–45 (1999) (in Russian).
  • Raynin, V.E., Yashin, V.M., Mitryukhin, A.A., Frimmel, F.Kh., Gremm, T., Haidt, A., “Development of River Water Quality in the Area of the Confluence of Moscow and Oka Rivers”, Proc. of VNIIGiM 2, 76–92 (1999) (in Russian).
  • Savenko, A.V., Savenko, V.S., Pokrovsky, O.S., “New data on the content of dissolved trace elements in the waters of the rivers of the Russian Arctic”, Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Earth Sciences 491 (2), 82–88 (2020) (in Russian).
  • Sayet, Yu.E., Revich, B.A., Yanin, E.P., Smirnova, R.S., Basharkevich, I.L., Onishchenko, T.L., Pavlova, L.N., Trefilova, N.Ya., Achkasov, A.I., Sarkisyan, S.Sh., Geochemistry of the Environment (Moscow: Nedra, 1990) (in Russian).
  • Snakin, V.V., Ecology, global natural processes and evolution of the biosphere. Encyclopedic dictionary (Moscow: Publishing House of the Moscow University, 2020) (in Russian)
  • Novosel’tsev, V.N., et al., Technogenic pollution of river ecosystems (Moscow: Nauchnyi Mir, 2002) (in Russian)
  • Tomilina, I.I., Gapeyeva, M.V., Loshkina, R.A., “Changes in water quality and bottom sediments of the Sheksninsky ples of the Rybinsk reservoir according to chemical and toxicological indicators for the period 1961–2017”, Proc. of the IBVV RAS 83 (86), 32–49 (2018) (in Russian)
  • Sevostyanov, S.M., Kerzhentsev, A.S. (eds.), Ecological situation in the city of Serpukhov and prospects for its improvement, 2nd ed. (M.: NIA-Priroda, 2008) (in Russian).
  • Uvarov, A.G., “On how to quickly put into practice the metrology of the rivers of Moscow and the possibility of using markers of the genus Potamogeton for biomonitoring”, Water resources. Proc. of the Samara Sci. Center of RAS 17 (6), 150–158 (2015) (in Russian).
  • Gaillardet, J., Viers, J., Dupree, B., “Trace elements in river plates”, Treatise on geochemistry 5, 225–272 (Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2004).
  • Pokrovsky, O.S., Virs, J., Shirokova, L.S., Shevchenko, V.P., Filipov, A.S., Dupre, B., “Dissolved, suspended and colloidal flows of organic carbon, basic and trace elements in the Severnaya Dvina River and its tributaries”, Chemistry. Geol. 273 (1–2), 136–149 (2010).