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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2

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Malyonkina, S.Y., Ivanov, A.V.

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Lower Volga region, Kamyshin, Paleogene, Paleocene deposits, siliceous columnar stromatolites.

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For citation:

Malyonkina, S.Y., Ivanov, A.V., “Paleogene columnar stromatolites from the “Kamyshinskie ushi” location (Lower Volga Region)”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2, 172–185 (2024) (in Russ., abstract in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m4156.0514-7468.2023_46_2/172-185.

Paleogene columnar stromatolites from the “Kamyshinskie ushi” location (Lower Volga Region)

The article discusses the results of our preliminary studies of Paleocene columnar stromatolites from the “Kamyshinskie Ushi” location, near the northwestern periphery of the town of Kamyshin. The morphology, composition and features of the buildings were studied. They can be attributed to the morphological type of columnar non-branching stromatolites; fan-shaped branching stromatolites are less common; their mineral composition differs little from the host rocks and consists mainly of quartz grains cemented by silicon oxide. Dark layers are much more saturated with ore inclusions. The concentration of chromium, molybdenum, wolfram, vanadium, cobalt and nickel in dark varieties increases noticeably, which confirms their stromatolite origin. The deposition settings of their formation remain controversial.

Список литературы

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  • Kokovkin, A.A., Ivanov, A.V., Tyuleneva, V.M., Yashkov, I.A., “Tectonics, seismotectonics and hydrothermal metasomatism in the newest structure of the Volga (Saratov–Kamyshin) right bank: new data”, Domestic Geology 6, 51–66 (2018) (in Russian).
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  • Muravyov, V.I., Tsekhovsky, Yu.G., Kaleda, K.G., Babushkin, D.A., Suvorov, A.I., “Processes of silicification in Paleogene sandstones of the East European Platform”, Lithology and minerals 2, 150–162 (1997) (in Russian).
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  • Panichev, A.M., Ivanov, A.V., Chekryzhov, I.Yu., Yashkov, I.A., Ivanov, V.V., “Geochemical features of siliceous and siliceous–carbonate metasomatites in Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of the Lower Volga region”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 43 (1), 4–19 (2021). DOI: 10.29003/m1990.0514-7468.2020_43_1/4-19 (in Russian).
  • Raaben, M.E., “Stromatolites”, Bacterial paleontology (Moscow: PIN RAN, 2002. P. 52–58) (in Russian).
  • Khudyakov, G.I., Akhlestina, E.F., Bukina, T.F., “Paleohydrothermal manifestations in the Lower Volga region”, Structure and evolution of the mineral world: Materials of the International Mineralogical Seminar (Syktyvkar, 1997. P. 166–167) (in Russian).
  • Tsekhovsky, Yu.G., “Sedimentogenesis and geodynamics during the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary era of continental peneplanation. Report 1. Central and Eastern Eurasia”, Lithosphere 1, 5–23 (2015) (in Russian).
  • Yarkov, A.A., “Algae of the Tethys ocean of the Volgograd region”, Sterzhen’ (Volgograd, 2008) (in Russian).
  • Awramik, S.M., and Buchheim, H.P., “Giant stromatolites of the Eocene Green River Formation (Colorado, USA)”, Geology 43, 691–694 (2015).
  • Murchison, R.I., Verneuil, E., Keyserling, A., The geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains 1, Geology (London: John Murray, 1845).
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  • Ivanov, A.V., “Paleoecological features of Cenozoic hydrotherms of the Lower Volga region”, Co-evolution of geospheres: from the core to the Cosmos (Saratov: SSTU Publishing House, 2012. P. 269–272) (in Russian).
  • Kokovkin, A.A., Ivanov, A.V., Tyuleneva, V.M., Yashkov, I.A., “Tectonics, seismotectonics and hydrothermal metasomatism in the newest structure of the Volga (Saratov–Kamyshin) right bank: new data”, Domestic Geology 6, 51–66 (2018) (in Russian).
  • Leonov, G.P., Main issues of regional stratigraphy of Paleogene deposits of the Russian Plate (Moscow: Publishing house of Moscow Univ., 1961) (in Russian).
  • Malenkina, S.Yu., Ivanov, A.V., “Problem of the genesis of Paleogene columnar stromatolites at the Kamyshin Ushi location”, Geology of the seas and oceans: Proc. of the XXV Inter. Sci. Conf. (School) on Marine Geology IV (Moscow: IO RAS, 2023. P. 67–71) (in Russian).
  • Makulbekov, N.M., Paleogene floras of Western Kazakhstan and the Lower Volga region (Alma-Ata, 1977) (in Russian).
  • Muravyov, V.I., Tsekhovsky, Yu.G., Kaleda, K.G., Babushkin, D.A., Suvorov, A.I., “Processes of silicification in Paleogene sandstones of the East European Platform”, Lithology and minerals 2, 150–162 (1997) (in Russian).
  • Murchison, R.I., Verneuil, F.E., Keyserling, A.A., Geological description of European Russia and the Ural Range, Parts 1, 2 (St. Petersburg: typ. IAN, 1849) (in Russian).
  • Panichev, A.M., Ivanov, A.V., Chekryzhov, I.Yu., Yashkov, I.A., Ivanov, V.V., “Geochemical features of siliceous and siliceous–carbonate metasomatites in Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits of the Lower Volga region”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 43 (1), 4–19 (2021). DOI: 10.29003/m1990.0514-7468.2020_43_1/4-19 (in Russian).
  • Raaben, M.E., “Stromatolites”, Bacterial paleontology (Moscow: PIN RAN, 2002. P. 52–58) (in Russian).
  • Khudyakov, G.I., Akhlestina, E.F., Bukina, T.F., “Paleohydrothermal manifestations in the Lower Volga region”, Structure and evolution of the mineral world: Materials of the International Mineralogical Seminar (Syktyvkar, 1997. P. 166–167) (in Russian).
  • Tsekhovsky, Yu.G., “Sedimentogenesis and geodynamics during the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary era of continental peneplanation. Report 1. Central and Eastern Eurasia”, Lithosphere 1, 5–23 (2015) (in Russian).
  • Yarkov, A.A., “Algae of the Tethys ocean of the Volgograd region”, Sterzhen’ (Volgograd, 2008) (in Russian).
  • Awramik, S.M., and Buchheim, H.P., “Giant stromatolites of the Eocene Green River Formation (Colorado, USA)”, Geology 43, 691–694 (2015).
  • Murchison, R.I., Verneuil, E., Keyserling, A., The geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains 1, Geology (London: John Murray, 1845).
  • Taylor, S.R., McLennan, S.M., The continental crust: its composition and evolution (Oxford: Blackwell, 1985).