The gallery of artistic portraits of outstanding Russian and foreign naturalists, consisting of sculptures and paintings, occupies an important place in the exposition of the Earth Science Museum at Moscow State University. The 270th anniversary of the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov and 75th anniversary of its Earth Science Museum is an occasion to turn to the activities of scientists directly related to Moscow University. The portraits of paleontologists of the 19th – first half of the 20th century, which were at the beginning of the science of fossil organisms at Moscow University, are shown in the museum halls. They have contributed to the development of this science, as well as museology at the university, and laid the foundation for modern research and teaching paleontological courses. Among them are the learners of Johann Gotthelf Fischer von Waldheim (1771–1853) – Charles Roulier (1814–1858) and Grigory E. Shchurovsky (1803–1884), Vladimir O. Kovalevsky (1842–1883), Aleksei Petrovich (1854–1929) and Maria Vasilievna (1854–1938) Pavlovs, and Aleksei Alekseevich Borisyak (1872–1944). Brief biographical information of the scientists is provided. Their contribution to the development and organization of paleontological research at Moscow University is shown.
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 4
Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 4
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 4
Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 4
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Moloshnikov, S.V., Nazarova, V.M.
Ключевые слова:
paleontology, museology, scientific and artistic materials, museum exposition, history of science, Moscow University.
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For citation:
Moloshnikov, S.V., Nazarova, V.M., “Paleontologists from Moscow University in the scientific and artistic exposition at the Earth Science Museum of MSU”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 4, 525–540 (2024) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m4339.0514-7468.2020_46_4/525-540.
Paleontologists from Moscow University in the scientific and artistic exposition at the Earth Science Museum of MSU
Список литературы
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- Gekker, R.F., “Alexei A. Borisyak (22.07.1872–25.02.1944”, To the memory of the academician A.A. Borisyak, Proc. of Paleontological Institute 20, 5–19 (1949) (in Russian).
- Gushchin, A.I., Bryantseva, G.V., Dubinin, E.P., “Grigory I. Fischer von Waldheim and his Role in the Development of Natural Science in Russia”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 43 (4), 546–557 (2021) (in Russian). DOI: 10.29003/m2518.0514-7468.2020_43_4/546-557.
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- Zhemchuzhnikov, Yu.A., “A.A. Borisyak as a man and scientist”, To the memory of the academician A.A. Borisyak, Proc. of Palaeontological Institute 20, 20–28 (1949) (in Russian).
- Kirilishina, E.M., Moloshnikov, S.V., “To the 145th Anniversary of Alexei A. Borisyak”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 39 (3), 348–350 (2017) (in Russian).
- Kolotilova, N.N., Smurova, T.G., Alekseeva, L.V., Sochivko, A.V., Maximov, Yu.I., “Exhibition Dedicated to the 250th Anniversary of G.I. Fischer von Waldheim in the Moscow State University’s Earth Science Museum”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 43 (4), 512–520 (2021) (in Russian). DOI: 10.29003/m2515.0514-7468.2020_43_4/512-520.
- Komarov, V.N., “Vladimir O. Kovalevsky as the founder of evolutionary paleontology (to his 175th anniversary)”, Proc. of Higher Educational Establishments, Geology and Exploration 4, 81–83 (2016) (in Russian). DOI: 10.32454/0016-7762-2016-4.
- Kuznetsova, T.V., Kazantseva, E.S., Starodubtseva, I.A., “Paleontology at Moscow State University from 1917 to 1939”, Paleostrat-2024, Annual Meeting (Sci. Conf.) of the Paleontological Section of the Moscow Society of Naturalists and Moscow Department of the Paleontological Society at RAS, Moscow, January 29–31, 2024, Program and Abstracts, 39–40 (Moscow: Borisyak Paleontological Institute of RAS, 2024) (in Russian).
- Lapteva, E.M., “Russian geographer-travelers – researchers of the Central Asia”, Proc. of Lomonosov Sci. Conf., Museology. Eds. A.V. Smurov, V.V. Snakin, 124–127 (Moscow: IKAR-ESM MSU Publishing, 2014) (in Russian).
- Livantsova, S.Yu., Smurova, T.G., Snakin, V.V., Popova, L.V., Pikulenko, M.M., “Karl F. Rouillier as the founder of evolutionary ecological research in Russia”, Proc. of Lomonosov Sci. Conf., Museology. Eds. A.V. Smurov, V.V. Snakin, 14–17 (Moscow: IKAR-ESM MSU Publishing, 2014) (in Russian).
- Lopatin, A.V., “Preface”, 80th anniversary of the Paleontological Department at Moscow State University. Story in the faces, 3–6 (Moscow: PIN of RAS, 2019) (in Russian).
- Moloshnikov, S.V., “Researchers of fossil vertebrates in the Gallery of Sculptural Portraits at the Earth Science Museum, MSU”, Paleontology in museum practice, Collection of scientific articles, 12–14 (Moscow: GEOS, 2014) (in Rus., abstract in Eng.).
- Moloshnikov, S.V., “Development of Palaeoichthyology in Russian (based on the Exhibition in the Earth Science Museum of Moscow State University)”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 37, 157–169 (2015) (in Russian).
- Moloshnikov, S.V., Kirilishina, E.M., “Paleontologists in the Sculptural Portrait Gallery at the Earth Science Museum at MSU: Anniversary Dates of 2017”, Science in the Museum of Higher Educational Establishments, Proc. of All-Russian Sci. Conf. 1, 47–50 (Moscow: Earth Science Museum at MSU, 2017) (in Russian).
- Moloshnikov, S.V., Kirilishina, E.M., “To the 215th Anniversary of Grigory E. Shchurovsky”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 40 (1), 115–118 (2018) (in Russian).
- Orlov, Yu.A., “A.A. Borisyak and vertebrate paleontology”, To the memory of the academician A.A. Borisyak, Proc. of Paleontological Institute 20, 29–44 (1949) (in Russian).
- Raykov, B.E., Russian biologists-evolutionists before Darwin. To the history of the evolutionary idea in Russia 2 (Moscow–Leningrad: Academy of Sciences Publishing, 1951) (in Russian).
- Raykov, B.E., Russian biologists-evolutionists before Darwin. To the history of the evolutionary idea in Russia 3 (Moscow-Leningrad: Academy of Sciences Publishing, 1955) (in Russian).
- Raykov, B.E., Predecessors of Darwin in Russia, From the history of Russian natural sciences (Leningrad: State Educat.-Pedagog. Publishing House of the Ministry of Education, RSFSR, 1956) (in Russian).
- Reznik, S.E., Vladimir Kovalevsky (the Nihilist’s tragedy) (Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya, 1978) (in Russian).
- Starodubtseva, I.A., “Alexei P. Pavlov. For his portrait”, Problems of Regional Geology, Proc. of Sci. Practical Conf., 61–65 (Moscow: RAS, Vernadskii SGM, 2004) (in Russian).
- Starodubtseva, I.A., Bessudnova, Z.A., Pukhonto, S.K., et al., Pavlov’s geological school (Moscow: Nauka, 2004) (in Russian).
- Chernov, V.G., Geologists of Moscow University, Bibliographic reference book (Moscow: Moscow State University Publ., 1989) (in Russian).
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- Shchurovsky, G., “Geological history of the Moscow basin”, Proc. of Naturalists’ Society at the Imperial Moscow University 1 (2), 1–144 (1867) (in Russian).
- Shchurovsky, G.E., “Excursions around the Moscow, Kaluga and Yaroslavl Regions”, Proc. of Imperial Society of Naturalists, Anthropologists and Ethnographers 33 (2), 442–461 (1878) (in Russian).
- Yanin, B.T., “Main stages of the Paleontology Development at Moscow University”, Paleontological Almanac, Collection of articles for the 60th Anniversary of the Paleontological Department of Moscow State University: 1939–1999, 5–44 (Moscow: Moscow University Publ., 1999) (in Russian).