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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 4
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 4

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Golikov, K.A.

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Botanical Garden, Moscow University, MSNS, History of Science, Maria P. Nagibina.

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For citation:

Golikov, K.A., “Plant breeder and organizer of the first MSNS biostation: on the 145th anniversary of the birth of Maria Nagibina”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 4, 600–605 (2023) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m3540.0514-7468.2019_45_4/600-605.

Plant breeder and organizer of the first MSNS biostation:on the 145th anniversary of the birth of Maria Nagibina

Maria P. Nagibina (née Tsybulskaya) (1878–1943) was a Russian botanist, teacher, local historian, public figure, science organizer and popularizer. She was one of the first women in Russia who received higher education. She was the organizer of the first in our country scientific biological station of MSNS (Moscow Society of Natural Scientists) (1919–1925, v. Staroe Pershino). Being an employee of the Botanical Garden of Moscow University (1904–1917 and 1926–1943), she was engaged in plant growing, selection of domestic varieties of ornamental plants; she organized their collections and exhibitions.

Список литературы

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  2. Arkhiv MGU [MSU Archive]. F. 56. Op. 1 (2). D. 1. 1934.
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  18. Potapov, V.V., Professor Alexey Feodosievich Wangenheim: Chronicle of the dynasty of hydrometeorologists (Kursk: IP Babkina G.P., 2019).
  19. Sadchikov, A.P., “On the contribution of Russian scientific societies to the scientific and technological development of Russia: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, Rossiya: tendentsii i perspektivy razvitiya [Russia: trends and prospects of development] 11–2, 638–642 (2016) (in Russian).
  20. Trushineva, N., “Nagibina Maria Pavlovna”, Otkrytyi muzey: Kurskiy al’manakh istorii i kul’tury 2 (4) (2013) (in Russian).
  21. Kholodova, E.V., “Nagibina Maria Pavlovna”, Bol’shaya kurskaya entsiklopediya. Ed. Yu. A. Bugrov 1, book 2 (Kursk: Kursk State University, 2005) (in Russian).
  22. Shanyavskaya, V.M., “In memory of M.P. Nagibina”, Trudy Botanicheskogo sada MGU 6, 3–6 (1948) (in Russian).


  1. Arkhiv MGU [MSU Archive]. F. 56. Op. 1. D. 22. 1932.
  2. Arkhiv MGU [MSU Archive]. F. 56. Op. 1 (2). D. 1. 1934.
  3. Arkhiv MGU [MSU Archive]. F. 56. Op. 1 (2). D. 6. 1937. L. 1.
  4. Arkhiv MGU [MSU Archive]. F. 56. Op. 1 (2). D. 30. 1934.
  5. Arkhiv MGU [MSU Archive]. F. 56. Op. 1 (2). D. 112. 1952.
  6. Beddinghaus, M.P., Perennial phloxes (Moscow: Sel’khozgiz, 1948) (in Russian).
  7. Botanical Garden of Moscow University. 1706–2006. The first scientific botanical institution in Russia. Eds. V.S. Novikov, M.G. Pimenov, K.V. Kiseleva, V.E. Gokhman, A.Yu. Parshin (Moscow: KMK, 2006) (in Russian).
  8. Zakharova, I.V., “Historical aspects of introduction to phlox culture. Prize-winning varieties and their authors”, 100 let nauchno-selektsionnoy raboty s dekorativnymi rasteniyami v botanicheskom sadu MGU imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow: MSU Botanical Garden, 2014) (in Russian).
  9. Novikov, V.S. (ed.), Catalog of ornamental plants of the Botanical Garden of the Biological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow: KMK, 2010) (in Russian).
  10. Kolesnikov, L.A., Lilac (Moscow: Moskovskiy rabochiy, 1952) (in Russian).
  11. Luchickaya, A.I., Botanist Maria Pavlovna Nagibina. 1878–1943 (Moscow: Universitetskaya kniga, 2007) (in Russian).
  12. Nagibina, M.P., “Royal Botanical Garden in Kew”, Russkaya mysl’ 2 (1911) (in Russian).
  13. Nagibina, M.P., “About my teacher: in memory of S.I. Rostovtsev”, Priroda 3, 365–370 (1917) (in Russian).
  14. Nagibina, M.P. (comp), Into nature: A manual for passing the initial natural science course (Moscow: Zadruga, 1917) (in Russian).
  15. Nagibina, M.P., “A brief sketch of the vegetation of Dmitrievsky district of the Kursk province”, Bull. Moscow Soc. Nat. Sec. Biol. 32 (1–2), 140–161 (1923–1924) (in Russian).
  16. Nagibina, M.P., “Spring perennials blooming in Moscow by May 1”, Trudy Botanicheskogo sada MGU 2, 58–77 (1938) (in Russian).
  17. Nagibina, M.P., “Assortment of climbing and tenacious plants for vertical gardening in the conditions of Moscow”, Trudy Botanicheskogo sada MGU 4, 49–60 (1941) (in Russian).
  18. Potapov, V.V., Professor Alexey Feodosievich Wangenheim: Chronicle of the dynasty of hydrometeorologists (Kursk: IP Babkina G.P., 2019).
  19. Sadchikov, A.P., “On the contribution of Russian scientific societies to the scientific and technological development of Russia: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, Rossiya: tendentsii i perspektivy razvitiya [Russia: trends and prospects of development] 11–2, 638–642 (2016) (in Russian).
  20. Trushineva, N., “Nagibina Maria Pavlovna”, Otkrytyi muzey: Kurskiy al’manakh istorii i kul’tury 2 (4) (2013) (in Russian).
  21. Kholodova, E.V., “Nagibina Maria Pavlovna”, Bol’shaya kurskaya entsiklopediya. Ed. Yu. A. Bugrov 1, book 2 (Kursk: Kursk State University, 2005) (in Russian).
  22. Shanyavskaya, V.M., “In memory of M.P. Nagibina”, Trudy Botanicheskogo sada MGU 6, 3–6 (1948) (in Russian).