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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 1
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 1

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Golikov, K.A.

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Botanical Garden, Moscow University, I.N. Gorozhankin, history of science, flora, Central Russia.

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Golikov, K.A., “Role of I.N. Gorozhankin's Botanical Laboratory in the study of the flora of Central Russia”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 1, 113–121 (2024) (in Russ., abstract in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m3780.0514-7468.2024_46_1/113-121.


2024 marks the 140th anniversary of the beginning of the expeditions of the laboratory of the Botanical Garden of Moscow University under the supervision of Professor Ivan Nikolaevich Gorozhankin to study the Central Russian flora. The historical and scientific context of the studies of this traditional object for the Botanical Garden of Moscow University during the 18th – early 21st centuries is traced. It is shown how the long-term targeted field research by the staff of the laboratory of the Botanical Garden has contributed to a methodologically unified approach to the organization of the program for studying the flora of the Oka River basin allowed not only to expand the territorial coverage, going beyond the purely Moscow region, but also to significant contribute to the development of an important scientific problem, namely, the cognition of the phenomenon of the Oka River flora. Gorozhankin’s principle of systemic research of regional flora was successfully implemented at the end of the 20th century by scientists of the Botanical Garden of Moscow University in the study of the flora of Central Russia.

Список литературы

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  13. Kalinichenko, I.M., “Vadim Nikolaevich Tikhomirov as a bibliographer, biographer, editor (on the 85th anniversary of his birth)”, Bull. MOIP 123 (1), 79–81 (2018) (in Russian).
  14. Kalinichenko, I.M., Scherbakov, A.V., Tikhomirov, V.N., Novikov, V.S., Flora of Central Russia. Annotated bibliography. 1768–2015 (Moscow, 2017) (in Russian).
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  27. Syreyshikov, D.P., Illustrated flora of the Moscow province. Ed. by A.N. Petunnikov. Part I (Moscow, 1906); Part II (Moscow, 1907); Part III (Moscow, 1910); Part IV (Moscow, 1914) (in Russian).
  28. Sytin, A.K., “Traugott Gerber – researcher of the Moscow, Volga and Don flora”, Ot kunstkamery k travopoznaniyu. Razvitie botaniki v Rossii v pervoy polovine XVIII veka. Ed. by A.K. Sytin (209–244) (St. Petersburg: Keller, 2022) (in Russian).
  29. Tikhomirov, V.N., “Flora of Meschera. Principles and program”, Materialy po flore i rastitel’nosti Oksko-Kljaz’minskogo mezhdurech’ya 4–6 (1971) (in Russian).
  30. Tikhomirov, V.N., Gubanov, I.A., Kalinichenko, I.M., Lozar, R.A., Flora of Central Russia. Annotated bibliography. Ed. by V.N. Tikhomirov (Moscow: Russkiy universitet, 1998) (in Russian).
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  33. Zinger, N.V., Collection of information about the flora of Central Russia (Moscow, 1885) (in Russian).
  34. Map of the Oka River in 1880 (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Karta_reki_Oka_1880.jpg).


  1. Arkhiv MGU [MSU Archive]. F. 56. Op. 1 (2). D. 399 (in Russian).
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  3. Central State Archives of Moscow. F. 418. Op. 56. D. 417 (in Russian).
  4. Central State Archives of Moscow. F. 418. Op. 59. D. 3 (in Russian).
  5. Alekseyev, L.V., Kalesnik, E.V., Ivan Nikolaevich Gorozhankin. 1848–1904 (Moscow: Nauka, 1998) (in Russian).
  6. Alekhin, V.V., “Floristics and systematics of plants, Botanical geography and Phytocenology at the Moscow University”, Uchenye zapiski Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Yubileynaya seriya 54, 269–287 (1940) (in Russian).
  7. Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow University. 1706–2011: the first scientific botanical institution in Russia is 305 years old / Eds.: V.S. Novikov et al. (Moscow: KMK, 2006) (in Russian).
  8. Vodolazskaya, N.N., Gubanov, I.A., Kiselyova, K.V., Novikov, V.S., Oktyabryova, N.B., Tikhomirov, V.N., Synopsis of the flora of the Ryazan Meschera (Moscow: Lesnaya promyshlennost’, 1975) (in Russian).
  9. Gorozhankin, I.N., “Materials for the flora of the Moscow province”, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscow 2, 349–372 (1888) (in Russian).
  10. Gubanov, I.A., Starostin, B.A., Tikhomirov, V.N., Flora and vegetation of the Moscow region (History of study and annotated bibliography) (Moscow: MGU, 1972) (in Russian).
  11. Dvigubsky, I., Moscow flora, or a description of plants growing wild in the Moscow province (Moscow: Universitetskaya tipografiya, 1828) (in Russian).
  12. Kalinichenko, I.M., “Pyotr Felixovich Mayevsky (14(26).06.1851–14(26).04.1892) (to the 160th anniversary of his birth)”, Botanicheskiy zhurnal 97 (5), 684–691 (2012) (in Russian).
  13. Kalinichenko, I.M., “Vadim Nikolaevich Tikhomirov as a bibliographer, biographer, editor (on the 85th anniversary of his birth)”, Bull. MOIP 123 (1), 79–81 (2018) (in Russian).
  14. Kalinichenko, I.M., Scherbakov, A.V., Tikhomirov, V.N., Novikov, V.S., Flora of Central Russia. Annotated bibliography. 1768–2015 (Moscow, 2017) (in Russian).
  15. Kaufman, N., Moscow flora, or a description of higher plants and a botanical and geographical overview of the Moscow province (Moscow, 1866) (in Russian).
  16. Kiselyova, K.V., Mayorov, S.R., Novikov, V.S., Flora of Central Russia: Atlas-determinant (Moscow: Fiton+, 2010) (in Russian).
  17. Mayevsky, P.F., Flora of Central Russia: An illustrated guide to the definition of Central Russian flowering plants (Moscow: Baranovskaya, 1892) (in Russian).
  18. Maximovich, M., “List of plants of the Moscow flora”, Novyi magazin estestvennoy istorii, fiziki, himii i svedeniy ekonomicheskih, izdavaemyi I. Dvigubskim 2 (3), 203–224 (1826) (in Russian).
  19. Materials for the knowledge of the fauna and flora of the Russian Empire. Dept. Botan. 1 (Moscow: MOIP, 1890) (in Russian).
  20. Materials for the knowledge of the fauna and flora of the Russian Empire. Dept. Botan. 3 (Moscow: MOIP, 1899) (in Russian).
  21. Meyer, K.I., “Ivan Nikolaevich Gorozhankin and his role in the development of Russian bota­ny (1848–1904)”, Wonderful scientists of Moscow University 38 (Moscow: MSU, 1966) (in Russian).
  22. Milyutin, S.N., “Some additions to the flora of the Moscow province”, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscow 3, 549–560 (1888) (in Russian).
  23. Petrov, V.A., “First stages of botany development at Moscow University”, Uchenye zapiski Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Yubileynaya seriya 54, 259–268 (1940) (in Russian).
  24. Pryanishnikov, D.N., My memories. 2nd ed. (Moscow: Sel’khozgiz, 1957) (in Russian).
  25. Plants from the Red Book of Russia in collections of botanical gardens and arboretums. Comp. by Y.N. Gorbunov, M.L. Orlenko. Ed. by A.S. Demidov (Tula: Grif i K, 2005) (in Russian).
  26. Modern Russia: a geographical description of our Fatherland. European Russia and the Urals: in 2 books. B. 2. Regions of European Russia and the Urals. Ed. by V.M. Kotlyakov, A.P. Zyryanov (Moscow: Paulsen, 2021) (in Russian).
  27. Syreyshikov, D.P., Illustrated flora of the Moscow province. Ed. by A.N. Petunnikov. Part I (Moscow, 1906); Part II (Moscow, 1907); Part III (Moscow, 1910); Part IV (Moscow, 1914) (in Russian).
  28. Sytin, A.K., “Traugott Gerber – researcher of the Moscow, Volga and Don flora”, Ot kunstkamery k travopoznaniyu. Razvitie botaniki v Rossii v pervoy polovine XVIII veka. Ed. by A.K. Sytin (209–244) (St. Petersburg: Keller, 2022) (in Russian).
  29. Tikhomirov, V.N., “Flora of Meschera. Principles and program”, Materialy po flore i rastitel’nosti Oksko-Kljaz’minskogo mezhdurech’ya 4–6 (1971) (in Russian).
  30. Tikhomirov, V.N., Gubanov, I.A., Kalinichenko, I.M., Lozar, R.A., Flora of Central Russia. Annotated bibliography. Ed. by V.N. Tikhomirov (Moscow: Russkiy universitet, 1998) (in Russian).
  31. Fedchenko, B.A., Fleurov, A.F., Handbook on the study of plant societies in Middle Russia (Moscow: M. & S. Sabashnikovy, 1902) (in Russian).
  32. Fleurov, A.F., “Flora of Oka” [In 4 parts], Trudy SPb Botanicheskogo sada 27 (1–3), 1–788 (St. Petersburg: 1906–1910) (in Russian).
  33. Zinger, N.V., Collection of information about the flora of Central Russia (Moscow, 1885) (in Russian).
  34. Map of the Oka River in 1880 (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7d/Karta_reki_Oka_1880.jpg).