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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2

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Golikov, K.A.

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Botanical Garden, Moscow University, K.I. Meyer, I.N. Gorozhankin, M.I. Golenkin, scientific school, history of science, bio-bibliography.

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Golikov, K.A., “Scientists of I.N. Gorozhankin’s school in K.I. Meyer’s bio-bibliographic essays”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2, 233–242 (2024) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m4162.0514-7468.2023_46_2/233-242.

Scientists of I.N. Gorozhankin’s school in K.I. Meyer’s bio-bibliographic essays

Based on the bio-bibliographic essays by Konstantin I. Meyer (1881–1965), head of the Chair of Morphology and Systematics of Higher Plants (1929–1931 and 1938–1963) and director of the Botanical Garden of Moscow University (1940–1948), the article traces the formation evolution of the Moscow School of Plant Morphologists, founded by Ivan N. Gorozhankin, who headed the Chair of Plant Morphology and Systematics (1875–1904) and the Botanical Garden of Moscow University (1874–1902). The diversification of scientific issues in line with the comparative morphological research direction developed by this scientific school in Russian botany is shown on the basis of the works of Gorozhankin’s most famous students. 2024 marks the 120th anniversary of the death of I.N. Gorozhankin (1848–1904) and the 160th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail I. Golenkin (1864–1941), his successor at the chair and in the Botanical Garden.

Список литературы

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  • Golikov, K.A., Kolotilova, N.N., Sochivko, A.V., ‘Exhibition dedicated to the anniversaries of K.A. Timiryazev and I.N. Gorozhankin”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45 (3), 479–480 (2023) (in Russian).
  • Gorozhankin, I.N., “Genesis in the type of palm-like algae. The experience of comparative morphology of the sem. Volvocineae Rabench”, Izvestiya Obshchestva lyubiteley estestvoznaniya, antropologii i etnografii [Proc. of the Society of Amateurs of Natural Sci., Anthropology and Ethnography] 16 (2), 1–40+2 (1875) (in Russian).
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  • Alekhin, V.V., “Floristics and systematics of plants, Botanical geography and Phytocenology at Moscow University”, Uchenye zapiski Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Yubileynaya seriya [Scientific notes of Moscow University. Anniversary series] 54, 269–287 (1940) (in Russian).
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  • Arnoldi, V.M., “In memory of Professor Ivan Nikolaevich Gorozhankin”, Trudy Botanicheskogo sada Yur’evskogo universiteta [Proc. of the Botanical Garden of Jur’ev University] 6 (4), 270–276 (1905) (in Russian).
  • Arnoldi, V.M., “North Donetsk Biological Station of the Society of Nature Testers at Khar’kov University”, Trudy Obshchestva ispytateley prirody pri Khar’kovskom universitete [Proc. of the Society of Nature Testers at Khar’kov University] 49, 135–143 (1918) (in Russian).
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  • Artari, A.P., “On the physiology and biology of chlamydomonas. Experiments and observations on Chlamydomonas ehrenbergii Gorosch. and similar forms”, Izvestiya Moskovskogo tehnicheskogo uchilishcha [News of the Moscow Technical School] 8, 1–78 (1913) (in Russian).
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  • Belyaev, V.I., “On the gradual simplification of the male growth in seed plants. On the karyokinetic division of nuclei in plant cells. About the latest works of Strasburger and Schotlander on plant spermatozoa”, Trudy S.-Peterburgskogo obshchestva estestvoispytateley. Otd. botaniki [Proc. of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists. Dep. of Botany] 23, 38–44 (1893) (in Russian).
  • Vakin, A.T., Meyer, K.I., “V.V. Miller”, Bull. Moscow Soc. Nat. Sec. Biol. 52 (2), 93–99 (1947) (in Russian).
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  • Govorukhin, V.S., Meyer, K.I., “In memory of A.E. Zhadovsky”, Bull. Moscow Soc. Nat. Sec. Biol. 69 (2), 140–141 (1964) (in Russian).
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  • Golikov, K.A., “A man in his place: to the 155th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Ilyich Golenkin”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 41 (4), 496–502 (2019) (in Russian).
  • Golikov, K.A., Kolotilova, N.N., Sochivko, A.V., ‘Exhibition dedicated to the anniversaries of K.A. Timiryazev and I.N. Gorozhankin”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45 (3), 479–480 (2023) (in Russian).
  • Gorozhankin, I.N., “Genesis in the type of palm-like algae. The experience of comparative morphology of the sem. Volvocineae Rabench”, Izvestiya Obshchestva lyubiteley estestvoznaniya, antropologii i etnografii [Proc. of the Society of Amateurs of Natural Sci., Anthropology and Ethnography] 16 (2), 1–40+2 (1875) (in Russian).
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  • Kalinichenko, I.M., “Unpublished materials by S.Y. Lipshits to the dictionary “Russian Botanists (Botanists of Russia – USSR)””, Natural scientists: forgotten names and facts. Materials of the second All-Russian conference (Orenburg: IS UrO RAN, 2022) (in Russian).
  • Kursanov, L.I., “Current state of the issue of the sexual process in fungi”, Estestvoznanie i geografiya [Natural Science and Geography] 12 (2), 30–48 (1907) (in Russian).
  • Leonov, M.V., Novikov, V.S., “Electronic bio-bibliographic disk “Russian botanist K.I. Meyer””, 50 years without K.I. Meyer: XIII Moscow Meeting on plant phylogeny: Proc. of the intern. conf. (Moscow: MAKS Press, 2015) (in Russian).
  • Meyer, K.I., Origin of terrestrial vegetation (Moscow: Gosizdat, 1922) (in Russian).
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  • Meyer, K.I., “Comparative morphological direction in the study of plants at Moscow University”, Uchenye zapiski Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Yubileynaya seriya [Sci. notes of Moscow University. Anniversary series] 54, 288–293 (1940) (in Russian).
  • Meyer, K.I., “Lev Ivanovich Kursanov”, Trudy Botanicheskogo sada MGU [Proc. of the MSU Botanical Garden] 4, 5–8 (1941) (in Russian).
  • Meyer, K.I., “W. Hofmeister’s works and their significance”, Trudy Botanicheskogo sada MGU [Proc. of the MSU Botanical Garden] 4, 20–34 (1941) (in Russian).
  • Meyer, K.I., “M.I. Golenkin (1864–1941)”, Trudy Botanicheskogo sada MGU [Proc. of the MSU Botanical Garden] 5, 3–9 (1945) (in Russian).
  • Meyer, K.I., “Professor I.N. Gorozhankin and his role in the history of botany (on the 100th anniversary of his birth)”, Bull. Moscow Soc. Nat. Sec. Biol. 54 (4), 107–111 (1949) (in Russian).
  • Meyer, K.I., “In memory of Maria Nikolaevna Prozina (1889–1960)”, Botanicheskiy zhurnal [Botanical Journal] 46 (11), 1724–1726 (1961) (in Russian).
  • Meyer, K.I., “V.A. Poddubnaya-Arnoldi (on the 60th anniversary of her birth and the 35th anniversary of her scientific activity)”, Bull. Moscow Soc. Nat. Sec. Biol. 68 (1), 147–152 (1963) (in Russian).
  • Meyer, K.I., “Ivan Nikolaevich Gorozhankin and his role in the development of Russian botany (1848–1904)”, Zamechatel’nye uchenye Moskovskogo universiteta [Remarkable Scientists of Moscow University] 38 (Moscow: MSU, 1966) (in Russian).
  • Miller, V.V., “Algological observations”, Izvestiya Ivanovo-Voznesenskogo politehnicheskogo instituta [Proc. of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Polytechnic Institute] 4, 46–65 (1921) (in Russian).
  • Navashin, S.G., “About V.I. Belyaev’s scientific achievements in the field of morphology and cytology”, Protokoly zasedaniy Kievskogo obshchestva estestvoispytateley za 1911 g. [Minutes of the 1911meetings of the Kiev Society of Naturalists] (80–88) (Kiev, 1912) (in Russian).
  • Rostovtsev, S.I., “Materials for the study of the group of grass ferns (Ophioglosseae). 1. Ophioglosum vulgatum”, Uchyonye zapiski Moskovskogo universiteta. Otdel. estestvenno-istoricheskiy [Scientific notes of Moscow University. Department of natural history], (9), 1–120 (1892) (in Russian).
  • Lipshits, S.Yu. (comp.), Sukachev V.N. (ed.), Russian botanists. Biographical and bibliographic dictionary. V. 1 (Moscow: MOIP, 1947) (in Russian).
  • Lipshits, S.Yu. (comp.), Sukachev V.N. (ed.), Russian botanists. Biographical and bibliographic dictionary. V. 2 (Moscow: MOIP, 1947) (in Russian).
  • Lipshits, S.Yu. (comp.), Sukachev V.N. (ed.), Russian botanists (Botanists of Russia – USSR). Biographical and bibliographic dictionary. V. 3 (Moscow: MOIP, 1950) (in Russian).
  • Sadovnichiy, V.A., “Scientific schools of Moscow University”, O nauchnyh issledovaniyakh i nauchnykh shkolakh. Evraziyskoe prostranstvo [About scientific research and scientific schools. The Eurasian space] (Moscow: MGU, 2010) (in Russian).
  • Tikhomirov, V.N., “Classics of Russian botany: Konstantin Ignatievich Meyer (on the anniversary of his death)”, Bull. Moscow Soc. Nat. Sec. Biol. 71 (2), 5–16 (1966) (in Russian).
  • Tikhomirov, V.N., Yaroshenko, L.P., “Bibliographic information about the ‘Proceedings of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University’ ”, Trudy Botanicheskogo sada MGU [Proc. of the MSU Botanical Garden] 7, 163–166 (1971) (in Russian).
  • Artari, A., “Untersuchungen über Entwicklung und Systematik einiger Protococcoideen”, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 2, 1–222 (1892).
  • Gerassimoff, I., “Zur Physiologie der Zelle”, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou. Nouv. 18, 1–134 (1904).
  • Sokolowa, C., “Naissance de l’endosperme dans le sac embryonnaire de quelques gymnosperms”, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 4, 446–497 (1890).