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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2

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Fadeyeva K.V., Zaitsev V.A.

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Abinsk segment (Northwestern Caucasus), neotectonics, seismicity, structural-geomorphological analysis, stress state.

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For citation:

Fadeyeva, K.V., Zaitsev, V.A., “Influence of neotectonics on seismicity of the Abinsk segment, Northwestern Caucasus”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2, 163–171 (2024) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m4155.0514-7468.2023_46_2/163-171.

The influence of neotectonics on seismicity of the Abinsk segment, northwest Caucasus

Relief is one of the sources of information about neotectonic activity. Using structural-geomorphological analysis, it is possible to identify weak zones, which often reflect hidden low-amplitude faults and fracture zones under the surface of Quaternary deposits. Using structural-geomorphological analysis, planation surfaces were identified, displacement amplitudes along faults and the magnitude of neotectonic movements were determined for certain periods of time. The results obtained were compared with seismicity and the degree of inheritance was revealed. 3D computer geological modeling of the stress state also helps in identifying zones of increased neotectonic activity, as the most dangerous zones in terms of seismicity. The stress state and directions of the compression axes in the horizontal plane were calculated using the RMS Roxar software. Also, for a more detailed study of the latest geodynamics of the Abinsk segment, the frequencies of earthquakes and the amount of seismic energy released were analyzed, and frequency graphs were plotted. When comparing the growth deformations of neotectonic uplift structures and the values of the latest stress state with seismicity, their significant correlation was revealed.

Список литературы

  • Zaitsev, V.A., Panina, L.V., “The latest geodynamics and seismicity of the Northwestern and Central Caucasus”, Materials of sci. conf. “Modern problems of dynamic geology”, (Moscow, 2021. P. 67–77) (in Russian).
  • Milanovsky, Е.Е., The latest tectonics of the Caucasus (Moscow: Nedra, 1968).
  • Panina, L.V., The latest structures and terrain of the Earth (Moscow: Pero Publishing House, 2019) (in Russian).
  • Chernykh, V.I., Shelting, S.A., “Map of Quaternary formations. Caucasian series. Sheet L37-XX VI (Novorossiysk). Scale 1:200,000”, State geological map of the Russian Federation. 2nd ed. (St. Petersburg: VSEGEI Cartographic Factory, 2008) (in Russian).


  • Zaitsev, V.A., Panina, L.V., “The latest geodynamics and seismicity of the Northwestern and Central Caucasus”, Materials of sci. conf. “Modern problems of dynamic geology”, (Moscow, 2021. P. 67–77) (in Russian).
  • Milanovsky, Е.Е., The latest tectonics of the Caucasus (Moscow: Nedra, 1968).
  • Panina, L.V., The latest structures and terrain of the Earth (Moscow: Pero Publishing House, 2019) (in Russian).
  • Chernykh, V.I., Shelting, S.A., “Map of Quaternary formations. Caucasian series. Sheet L37-XX VI (Novorossiysk). Scale 1:200,000”, State geological map of the Russian Federation. 2nd ed. (St. Petersburg: VSEGEI Cartographic Factory, 2008) (in Russian).