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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2

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Gromalova, N.A.

Ключевые слова:


additional education, diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, alexandrite, pearl, museum collections.

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For citation:

Gromalova, N.A., “’Top 5 from the world of gemstones.’ An online course as an effective form of further education”. Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 2, 225–232 (2024) (in Russ., abstract in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m4161.0514-7468.2023_46_2/225-232.

“Top 5 from the world of gems”. An online course as an effective form of futher education

Brief information about the author’s course dedicated to the world of gemstones is provided. Data of first-order gemstones (diamond, emerald, sapphire, ruby, alexandrite and pearl) are given. The questions of the discovery history of these gemstones, their classification, properties, formation in nature, methods of synthesis, methods of refining, as well as estimation systems are considered. Due to a large amount of information, the course is divided into four sections and clearly structured in each of them. This helps to make it easier to perceive. Online course design allows the lecturer to effectively interact with the audience.

Список литературы

  • Alexeyeva, I.S., “Online Course as a Form of Online Education at a University”, Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics 12, 244–247 (2022) (in Russian).
  • Anderson, B.W., Gem Testing (Butterworths London, Boston, 1951).
  • Bunchuk, N.A., “Online Course as a part of educational environment”, Collection of articles of the All-Russian scientific conference with international participation “Experience and prospects of online learning in Russia” (Sevastopol, 2019. P. 5–8) (in Russian).
  • Gromalova, N.A., “Diagnostics of natural and synthetic alexandrite using set of advanced instrumental techniques”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 41, 440–448 (2019) (in Russian).
  • Gromalova, N.A., Gemstones – Kings of the amazing world of minerals: Textbook for students of a lecture course on the educational program of the Earth Science Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow: Maks Press, 2020). ISBN 978-5-317-06478-5 (in Russian).
  • Gromalova, N.A., Chekhovich, P.A., “Examination of gemstones from the Earth Science Museum collection by optical and scanning electronic microscopy. First Results”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 43 (3), 361–367 (2021) (in Russian).
  • Gromalova, N.A., Urusov, V.S., Chrysoberyl and its jewelry variety – alexandrite. Flux growth and complex research of composition, morphology, and properties of natural and synthetic crystals (Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Pub., 2011). ISBN 978-3-8433-2169-3 (in Russian).
  • Kornilov, N.I., Solodova, Yu. P., Jewelry stones (Moscow: Nedra, 1987) (in Russian).
  • Ryabtsovsky, G.V., Kuzmich, A.V., “Customization of educational trajectories of state and municipal employees according to additional professional programs in the electronic training system of the Bryansk branch of RANEPA”, Collection of articles of the All-Russian scientific conference “Experience and prospects of online learning in Russia” (Sevastopol, 2019) (in Russian).
  • Smith, G.F.H., Gemstones (Chapman and Hall, London, 1972).
  • Center for the Development of Electronic Educational Resources of Lomonosov MSU (https://distant.msu.ru/mod/page/view.php?id=10156).
  • Electronic Educational Resource (https://www.gia.edu).
  • Electronic Educational Resource (https://www.mindat.org).
  • Elwell, D., Man-made gemstones (John Wiley & Sons, New York, Chichester, Toronto, 1979).
  • Hänni, H.A., Krzemnicki, M.S., Cartier, L., “Appearance of new bead material in cultured pearls”, J. of Gemmology 32 (1/4), 31–37 (2010).
  • Shmestzer, K., More than 100 years of emerald synthesis (2008).
  • Sun, Z., Palke, A.C., Muyal, J., DeGhionno, D., McClure, S.F., “Geographic origin determination of alexandrite”, Gems&Gemology 55 (4), 660–681 (2019).


  • Alexeyeva, I.S., “Online Course as a Form of Online Education at a University”, Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics 12, 244–247 (2022) (in Russian).
  • Anderson, B.W., Gem Testing (Butterworths London, Boston, 1951).
  • Bunchuk, N.A., “Online Course as a part of educational environment”, Collection of articles of the All-Russian scientific conference with international participation “Experience and prospects of online learning in Russia” (Sevastopol, 2019. P. 5–8) (in Russian).
  • Gromalova, N.A., “Diagnostics of natural and synthetic alexandrite using set of advanced instrumental techniques”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 41, 440–448 (2019) (in Russian).
  • Gromalova, N.A., Gemstones – Kings of the amazing world of minerals: Textbook for students of a lecture course on the educational program of the Earth Science Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow: Maks Press, 2020). ISBN 978-5-317-06478-5 (in Russian).
  • Gromalova, N.A., Chekhovich, P.A., “Examination of gemstones from the Earth Science Museum collection by optical and scanning electronic microscopy. First Results”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 43 (3), 361–367 (2021) (in Russian).
  • Gromalova, N.A., Urusov, V.S., Chrysoberyl and its jewelry variety – alexandrite. Flux growth and complex research of composition, morphology, and properties of natural and synthetic crystals (Saarbrucken: Lambert Academic Pub., 2011). ISBN 978-3-8433-2169-3 (in Russian).
  • Kornilov, N.I., Solodova, Yu. P., Jewelry stones (Moscow: Nedra, 1987) (in Russian).
  • Ryabtsovsky, G.V., Kuzmich, A.V., “Customization of educational trajectories of state and municipal employees according to additional professional programs in the electronic training system of the Bryansk branch of RANEPA”, Collection of articles of the All-Russian scientific conference “Experience and prospects of online learning in Russia” (Sevastopol, 2019) (in Russian).
  • Smith, G.F.H., Gemstones (Chapman and Hall, London, 1972).
  • Center for the Development of Electronic Educational Resources of Lomonosov MSU (https://distant.msu.ru/mod/page/view.php?id=10156).
  • Electronic Educational Resource (https://www.gia.edu).
  • Electronic Educational Resource (https://www.mindat.org).
  • Elwell, D., Man-made gemstones (John Wiley & Sons, New York, Chichester, Toronto, 1979).
  • Hänni, H.A., Krzemnicki, M.S., Cartier, L., “Appearance of new bead material in cultured pearls”, J. of Gemmology 32 (1/4), 31–37 (2010).
  • Shmestzer, K., More than 100 years of emerald synthesis (2008).
  • Sun, Z., Palke, A.C., Muyal, J., DeGhionno, D., McClure, S.F., “Geographic origin determination of alexandrite”, Gems&Gemology 55 (4), 660–681 (2019).