The fulfillment of the tasks set by the 1949-1965 State Plan for Nature Transformation became the work of the whole country. Its goal was the development of sustainable agriculture in the steppe and forest–steppe regions of the European part of the USSR. It is an example of a responsible state attitude to the use and preservation of our lands and soil fertility. The State Plan for nature transformation was bases on the integrated reclamation of agricultural landscapes using a scientific systematic approach to the objects of research and management. State authorities, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, scientists from dozens of universities and research institutes, ministries, 80 thousand collective farms, 2 thousand state farms, and 3 thousand machine tractor stations took an active part in the organization and large-scale implementation of protective afforestation and the development of a grass-field farming system. The plan provided for the creation of 8 large state forest strips with a total length of 5,320 km, located along floodplains and watersheds of the Volga, Dnieper, Don, Ural, Seversky Donets rivers etc.; protective forest plantations in the fields of collective farms and state farms; consolidation and afforestation of sands on an area of 322 thousand ha; the introduction and development of a system of field and fodder grass-field crop rotations; and the creation of over 44 thousand ponds and reservoirs. Over the 5 years of the plan’s implementation, more than 2.3 million ha of forest plantations have been planted in the country; an ecological framework of agricultural landscapes has been created on agricultural lands; over 13 thousand ponds and reservoirs have been created. The prototype of the scientific basis of the State Plan for Nature Transformation was the works by V. V. Dokuchaev, V. R. Williams and V. I. Vernadsky on the conservation of land and soil fertility. The implementation of the plan stopped in 1953 and the development of virgin and fallow lands began. Currently, the state, scientists, society, regions and agricultural producers need combining their efforts in the rational usage of natural resources, the preservation of agricultural land and soil fertility for the present and future generations.
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3
Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3
Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3
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Trofimov, I.A., Trofimova, L.S., Yakovleva, E.P., Rybalsky, N.G., Muravyeva, E.V., Snakin, V.V., Yemelyanov, A.V., Skripnikova, E.V.
Ключевые слова:
agriculture, forest strips, grass-field crop rotations, sands, reservoirs, rational nature management.
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For citation:
Trofimov, I.A., Trofimova, L.S., Yakovleva, E.P., Rybalsky, N.G., Muravyeva, E.V., Snakin, V.V., Yemelyanov, A.V., Skripni-kova, E.V., "Usage and preservation of land and soil fertility is a matter of state (to the 75th anniversary of the State plan for na-ture transformation)", Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3, 379–388 (2023) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m3554.0514-7468.2023_45_3/379-388.
Usage and preservation of land and soil fertility is a matter of state (to the 75th anniversary of the State plan for nature transformation)
Список литературы
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- “They discovered the Earth! Vernadsky Vladimir Ivanovich” ( (in Russian).
- “They discovered the Earth! Williams Vasily Robertovich” ( (in Russian).
- “They discovered the Earth! Dokuchaev Vasily Vasilievich” ( (in Russian).
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- Kosolapov, V.M., Trofimov, I.A., Trofimova, L.S., Yakovleva, E.P., Rational nature management and fodder production in Russian agricul-ture (Moscow: RAN, 2018) (in Russian).
- Rulev, A.S., Pugacheva, A.M., “Formation of a new agroforestry paradigm”, Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk 89 (10), 1044–1051 (2019) (in Russian).
- Trofimov, I.A., Trofimova, L.S., Yakovleva, E.P., “”Quiet crisis” of agricultural landscapes of the Central Chernozem region”, Zemledelie [Agriculture] 1, 3–6 (2014) (in Russian).
- Trofimov, I.A., Trofimova, L.S., Yakovleva, E.P., “Soil conservation. From the human mind to the realm of the mind. To the 150th anni-versary of the birth of V.V. Dokuchaev’s followers — V.I. Vernadsky and V.R. Williams”, Ispol’zovanie i okhrana prirodnykh resursov v Ros-sii [Use and protection of natural resources in Russia] 4, 90–96 (2013) (in Russian).