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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 2
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 2

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Sundieva, A.A.

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history of museological thought, biographical method, M. Novoruss-ky, N. Sedova (Trotskaya), M. Farmakovskiy, L. Rakov

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For citation:

Sundieva, A.A., “Views and destinies of museum workers in the 1920–1940s as an object of study of museology”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 2, 280–288 (2023) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m3456.0514-7468.2023_45_2/280-288.


The article draws attention to the relevance of studying the history of museological thought in Russia. The author notes the prospects of the biographical method of research, which makes it possible to trace the continuity of views, the motives for making certain decisions, and to build priorities more precisely. The ideas expressed in the recently published book “From the history of museological thought in Russia: the 20th century” are being developed. The paper analyses the biographies, contributions to the museum theory, and features of the creative path of several well-known domestic museum specialists such as M. Novorussky, N. Trotskaya, M. Farmakovsky, and L. Rakov. A more accurate representation of their role in the formation of museological knowledge, as well as noting common features of museologists of the 20th century, can be made possible by new publi-cations of sources appeared in the 2000s, mostly of personal origin.

Список литературы

  1. “Autobiography of the Shlisselburger M. Novorussky”, Autobiography: a journal about biography and self-representation in Russian culture 6, 205–234 (2017) (in Russian).
  2. Brandenberger, D., “”Repressed” memory? Campaign against the Leningrad interpretation of the Blockade in the Stalinist USSR, 1949–1952 (on the example of the Museum of Defense of Leningrad)”, Recent history of Russia 3, 175–186 (2016) (in Russian).
  3. Lander, I., Rakov, L., “Employees of the National Library of Russia as figures of science and culture”, Biographical Dictionary 1–4 (St. Petersburg, 2001) (in Russian).
  4. Novorussky, M., “Museum of the Community Hall and its exhibitions”, Community Hall collection (Petrograd, 1918) (in Russian).
  5. Novorussky, M., “Museum discipline”, Museological thought in Russia of the 18th–20th centuries: Collection of documents and materials (Moscow: Etherna, 2010) (in Russian).
  6. Nonina, N., Requiem for the Museum (Jerusalem, 2003) (in Russian).
  7. Rakov, L., “Prison poems”, Neva 4, 70–75 (2001) (in Russian).
  8. Sosnitsky, D., Rostovtsev, E., Farmakovsky, M., “Networking Biographical Dictionary of Historians of St. Petersburg University of the 18th–20th centuries”, Biography of St. Petersburg State University (2012–2014) (in Russian).
  9. Sundieva, A.A., “From the history of museological thought in Russia: the 20th century”,(Moscow: RGGU, 2022) (in Russian).
  10. Trotskaya, N., “Museum construction and revolution”, Science and Art 1, 29–53 (1926)(in Russian).
  11. Farmakovsky, M., Exposition technique in historical museums (Leningrad: Publishing House of the State Russian Museum, 1928) (in Russian).
  12. Farmakovsky, M., Watercolor, its technique, restoration and conservation (Leningrad, 1950)(in Russian).
  13. Farmakovskiy, M., Conservation and restoration of museum collections (Moscow: Typography “Red Pressman”, 1947) (in Russian).
  14. Farmakovskiy, M., “Products from fibrous materials”, Historical monument of Russian Arctic navigation of the 17th century (Moscow–Leningrad, 1951) (in Russian).


  1. “Autobiography of the Shlisselburger M. Novorussky”, Autobiography: a journal about biography and self-representation in Russian culture 6, 205–234 (2017) (in Russian).
  2. Brandenberger, D., “”Repressed” memory? Campaign against the Leningrad interpretation of the Blockade in the Stalinist USSR, 1949–1952 (on the example of the Museum of Defense of Leningrad)”, Recent history of Russia 3, 175–186 (2016) (in Russian).
  3. Lander, I., Rakov, L., “Employees of the National Library of Russia as figures of science and culture”, Biographical Dictionary 1–4 (St. Petersburg, 2001) (in Russian).
  4. Novorussky, M., “Museum of the Community Hall and its exhibitions”, Community Hall collection (Petrograd, 1918) (in Russian).
  5. Novorussky, M., “Museum discipline”, Museological thought in Russia of the 18th–20th centuries: Collection of documents and materials (Moscow: Etherna, 2010) (in Russian).
  6. Nonina, N., Requiem for the Museum (Jerusalem, 2003) (in Russian).
  7. Rakov, L., “Prison poems”, Neva 4, 70–75 (2001) (in Russian).
  8. Sosnitsky, D., Rostovtsev, E., Farmakovsky, M., “Networking Biographical Dictionary of Historians of St. Petersburg University of the 18th–20th centuries”, Biography of St. Petersburg State University (2012–2014) (in Russian).
  9. Sundieva, A.A., “From the history of museological thought in Russia: the 20th century”,(Moscow: RGGU, 2022) (in Russian).
  10. Trotskaya, N., “Museum construction and revolution”, Science and Art 1, 29–53 (1926)(in Russian).
  11. Farmakovsky, M., Exposition technique in historical museums (Leningrad: Publishing House of the State Russian Museum, 1928) (in Russian).
  12. Farmakovsky, M., Watercolor, its technique, restoration and conservation (Leningrad, 1950)(in Russian).
  13. Farmakovskiy, M., Conservation and restoration of museum collections (Moscow: Typography “Red Pressman”, 1947) (in Russian).
  14. Farmakovskiy, M., “Products from fibrous materials”, Historical monument of Russian Arctic navigation of the 17th century (Moscow–Leningrad, 1951) (in Russian).