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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 1
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Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 1

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Boriskin, D.A., Konkova, P.I., Khrisanov, V.R.

Ключевые слова:


Earth Science Museum, MSU, biogeocenosis, animals, biogroup, museum displays.

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Boriskin, D.A., Konkova, P.I., Khrisanov, V.R., "Zoocomponent of 3D fragments of biogeocenoses in the exposition of the MSU Earth Science Museum", Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 46, no 1, 90–97 (2023) (in Russ., abstr. in Engl.). DOI: 10.29003/m3777.0514-7468.2024_46_1/90-97.


The exposition of the department “Natural Zones” in the Earth Science Museum of Moscow State University (25th floor, halls Nos 18–20) presents 15 full-scale exhibits of dry 3D fragments of biogeocenoses, namely: spotted tundra; forest tundra; swamps: flat-hummocky tundra, oligotrophic upland and mesotrophic lowland sedge; spruce-green grass; grass-grass and tipchak-grass steppes; subtropical mountain forest; alpine meadows; semi-deserts; deserts – clay, wormwood-solyanka and ilak belosaksaulnik on ridge sands; and savannas. These exhibits demonstrate the interaction of the main natural components characteristic of the respective climatic conditions (soils, flora, and fauna). The article gives a description of the animal species represented in the exposition based on a visual examination of zoological exhibits and a study of their nomenclature and taxonomic changes.

Список литературы

  1. Abramson, N.I., Petrova, T.V., “Genetic studies of zoological collections using the example of rodents: intermediate results and prospects of research”, Zoologicheskie issledovaniya 20, 20–22 (2018) (in Russian).
  2. Ananyeva, N.B., Gabayev, V.N., Iremashvili, G.N., Lothiev, K.Yu., Petrova, T.V., “Taxonomic status of the vipers of the Pelias (kaznakovi) complex in the middle-flow of the Kura River basin in the East Transcaucasia”, Trudy Zoologicheskogo instituta RAN 325, no 1, 3–33 (2021). https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2021.325.1.3 (in Russian).
  3. 3 Ananyeva, N.B., Orlov, N.L., Khalikov, R.G., Darevsky, I.S., Ryabov, S.A., Barabanov, A.V., Atlas of reptiles of Northern Eurasia (taxonomic diversity, geographical distribution and conservation status) (Saint-Petersburg: Zoologicheskiy institut RAN, 2004) (in Russian).
  4. Boehme, R.L., Flint, V.E., Dictionary of animal names in five languages. Birds: Latin, Russian, English, German, French: 11,060 names (Moscow: Russo, Russky yazyk, 1994).
  5. Water shepherd: a rare bird successfully wintered in Moscow (https://www.mos.ru/news/item/87922073/) (in Russian).
  6. Glushchenko, Yu.N., Korobov, D.V., Tiunov, I.M, Blokhin, A.Yu., Sotnikov, V.N., Vyalkov, A.V., Shokhrin, V.P., Akulinkin, S.F., “Materials for the study of the eastern shepherd Rallus indicus in the Russian Far East”, Russkiy ornitologicheskiy zhurnal 32 (Express issue 2263), 113–126 (2023) (in Russian).
  7. Golikov, K.A., “Phytocomponent of three-dimensional fragments of biogeocenoses in the exposition of the MSU Earth Science Museem”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3, 398–406 (2023) (in Russian).
  8. Dunaev, E.A., Orlova, V.F., Snakes. Types of fauna of Russia: Atlas-determinant (Moscow: Fiton XXI, 2014) (in Russian).
  9. Ermakov, N.P., “Principles of modern exposition of natural science museums (on the example of creation of the Earth Science Museum)”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 1, 130–136 (1961) (in Russian).
  10. Koblik, E.A., Arkhipov, V.Yu., “Fauna of birds of the countries of Northern Eurasia within the borders of the former USSR: lists of species”, Zoologicheskie issledovaniya 14 (Moscow: KMK, 2014) (in Russian).
  11. The Red Book of the Russian Federation. Animals (Moscow: FGBU “VNII Jekologija”, 2021) (in Russian).
  12. The Red Book of the Chechen Republic: Rare and endangered species of plants and animals, ed. by Umarov, M.U. (Groznyy: Yuzhnyi izdatel’skiy dom, 2007) (in Russian).
  13. Lisovsky, A.A., Sheftel, B.I., Savelyev, A.P., Ermakov, O.A., Kozlov, Y.A., Smirnov, D.G., Stakheev, V.V., Glazov, D.M., “Mammals of Russia: list of species and applied aspects”, Sbornik trudov Zoologi­cheskogo muzeya MGU 56 (Moscow: KMK, 2019) (in Russian).
  14. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth Ed. Adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences. (London: International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, 1999).
  15. Minoransky, V.A., Sidelnikov, V.V., Simonovich, E.I., “Status of the populations of ground squirrels (Spermophilus spp.) in the Don river basin”, Fundamental’nye issledovanija 2–2, 277–280 (2015) (in Russian).
  16. The Earth Science Museum. Guide (Moscow: MGU, 2010) (in Russian).
  17. Onipchenko, V.G., Golikov, K.A., “Demutation shifts after wild boar flogging on Alpine lichen wastelands in the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve”, Bull.of MOIP. Otdel biologicheskiy 101, no 4, 49–54 (1996) (in Russian).
  18. Pavlinov, I.Ja., “Myodes Pallas 1811 – the actual name for the genus of forest voles (Cricetidae)”, Zoologicheskij zhurnal 85, 667–669 (2006) (in Russian).
  19. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated 03/24/2020 No. 162 «On Approval of the List of Wildlife Listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation» (http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001202004020020?ysclid=lpxyhdj03g955628287) (in Russian).
  20. Smurov, A.V., Grishina, Z.V., “History of development of museum business at Moscow State University. To the 250th anniversary of educational museums of Russia and the 60th anniversary of the Earth Science Museum”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 33, 5–13 (2011) (in Russian).
  21. Sokolov, V.E., Five-language dictionary of animal names. Latin, Russian, English, German, French. 5391 names. Mammals (Moscow: Russkiy yazyk, 1984).
  22. Rodents of the former USSR. Status assessment and environmental action plan (Wildlife Conservation Center) (https://biodiversity.ru/programs/rodent.html) (in Russian).
  23. Gill, F.B., Slikas, B., Sheldon, F.H., “Species relationships based on sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene”, American Ornithological Society 122, no 1, 121–143 (2005).
  24. The Reptile Database (http://www.reptile-database.org/).
  25. ZooDiv. Information system “Biodiversity of animals of Russia” (https://www.zin.ru/ZooDiv/Project.htm) (in Russian).


  1. Abramson, N.I., Petrova, T.V., “Genetic studies of zoological collections using the example of rodents: intermediate results and prospects of research”, Zoologicheskie issledovaniya 20, 20–22 (2018) (in Russian).
  2. Ananyeva, N.B., Gabayev, V.N., Iremashvili, G.N., Lothiev, K.Yu., Petrova, T.V., “Taxonomic status of the vipers of the Pelias (kaznakovi) complex in the middle-flow of the Kura River basin in the East Transcaucasia”, Trudy Zoologicheskogo instituta RAN 325, no 1, 3–33 (2021). https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2021.325.1.3 (in Russian).
  3. 3 Ananyeva, N.B., Orlov, N.L., Khalikov, R.G., Darevsky, I.S., Ryabov, S.A., Barabanov, A.V., Atlas of reptiles of Northern Eurasia (taxonomic diversity, geographical distribution and conservation status) (Saint-Petersburg: Zoologicheskiy institut RAN, 2004) (in Russian).
  4. Boehme, R.L., Flint, V.E., Dictionary of animal names in five languages. Birds: Latin, Russian, English, German, French: 11,060 names (Moscow: Russo, Russky yazyk, 1994).
  5. Water shepherd: a rare bird successfully wintered in Moscow (https://www.mos.ru/news/item/87922073/) (in Russian).
  6. Glushchenko, Yu.N., Korobov, D.V., Tiunov, I.M, Blokhin, A.Yu., Sotnikov, V.N., Vyalkov, A.V., Shokhrin, V.P., Akulinkin, S.F., “Materials for the study of the eastern shepherd Rallus indicus in the Russian Far East”, Russkiy ornitologicheskiy zhurnal 32 (Express issue 2263), 113–126 (2023) (in Russian).
  7. Golikov, K.A., “Phytocomponent of three-dimensional fragments of biogeocenoses in the exposition of the MSU Earth Science Museem”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 45, no 3, 398–406 (2023) (in Russian).
  8. Dunaev, E.A., Orlova, V.F., Snakes. Types of fauna of Russia: Atlas-determinant (Moscow: Fiton XXI, 2014) (in Russian).
  9. Ermakov, N.P., “Principles of modern exposition of natural science museums (on the example of creation of the Earth Science Museum)”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 1, 130–136 (1961) (in Russian).
  10. Koblik, E.A., Arkhipov, V.Yu., “Fauna of birds of the countries of Northern Eurasia within the borders of the former USSR: lists of species”, Zoologicheskie issledovaniya 14 (Moscow: KMK, 2014) (in Russian).
  11. The Red Book of the Russian Federation. Animals (Moscow: FGBU “VNII Jekologija”, 2021) (in Russian).
  12. The Red Book of the Chechen Republic: Rare and endangered species of plants and animals, ed. by Umarov, M.U. (Groznyy: Yuzhnyi izdatel’skiy dom, 2007) (in Russian).
  13. Lisovsky, A.A., Sheftel, B.I., Savelyev, A.P., Ermakov, O.A., Kozlov, Y.A., Smirnov, D.G., Stakheev, V.V., Glazov, D.M., “Mammals of Russia: list of species and applied aspects”, Sbornik trudov Zoologi­cheskogo muzeya MGU 56 (Moscow: KMK, 2019) (in Russian).
  14. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth Ed. Adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences. (London: International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, 1999).
  15. Minoransky, V.A., Sidelnikov, V.V., Simonovich, E.I., “Status of the populations of ground squirrels (Spermophilus spp.) in the Don river basin”, Fundamental’nye issledovanija 2–2, 277–280 (2015) (in Russian).
  16. The Earth Science Museum. Guide (Moscow: MGU, 2010) (in Russian).
  17. Onipchenko, V.G., Golikov, K.A., “Demutation shifts after wild boar flogging on Alpine lichen wastelands in the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve”, Bull.of MOIP. Otdel biologicheskiy 101, no 4, 49–54 (1996) (in Russian).
  18. Pavlinov, I.Ja., “Myodes Pallas 1811 – the actual name for the genus of forest voles (Cricetidae)”, Zoologicheskij zhurnal 85, 667–669 (2006) (in Russian).
  19. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated 03/24/2020 No. 162 «On Approval of the List of Wildlife Listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation» (http://publication.pravo.gov.ru/Document/View/0001202004020020?ysclid=lpxyhdj03g955628287) (in Russian).
  20. Smurov, A.V., Grishina, Z.V., “History of development of museum business at Moscow State University. To the 250th anniversary of educational museums of Russia and the 60th anniversary of the Earth Science Museum”, Zhizn Zemli [Life of the Earth] 33, 5–13 (2011) (in Russian).
  21. Sokolov, V.E., Five-language dictionary of animal names. Latin, Russian, English, German, French. 5391 names. Mammals (Moscow: Russkiy yazyk, 1984).
  22. Rodents of the former USSR. Status assessment and environmental action plan (Wildlife Conservation Center) (https://biodiversity.ru/programs/rodent.html) (in Russian).
  23. Gill, F.B., Slikas, B., Sheldon, F.H., “Species relationships based on sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene”, American Ornithological Society 122, no 1, 121–143 (2005).
  24. The Reptile Database (http://www.reptile-database.org/).
  25. ZooDiv. Information system “Biodiversity of animals of Russia” (https://www.zin.ru/ZooDiv/Project.htm) (in Russian).